An over­flow­ing buck­et of joy, the newest LP(ette) by some duo from Mon­treuil, France, gen­er­at­ing a mix­ture melod­ic of garage punk, old­school in­die rock, fuzz- and jan­gle pop re­mind­ing me of a di­verse group of more-or-less re­cent acts á la Dumb Punts, Woolen Men, Her­met­ic, Land­lines, The Ex­bats, Tape/​Off… or maybe a more down-to-earth P.S. I Love You, aswell as old in­die rock­ers of the Su­per­chunk, Archers Of Loaf va­ri­ety. This record serves as a per­fect re­minder that you don't need to stage a huge spec­ta­cle if you just de­liv­er on the melodies that stick.