Nice Surprise - Nice Surprise

Nice sur­prise in­deed, this lathe cut 7" de­but by some Austin duo mak­ing catchy noise some­where in the realm of pow­er- and garage pop. Es­pe­cial­ly the killer A-Side I'm Old will no doubt be a feast for fans of bands like Tom­my & The Com­mies, Bad Sports, Ra­dioac­tiv­i­ty, Cheap Whine or Son­ic Av­enues.

Alien Nosejob - Suddenly Everything Is Twice As Loud

I'm not sure if Alien Nose­job cur­rent­ly ex­ist as a full blown band, but at least for their sec­ond long play­ing ef­fort, Jake Robert­son (Aus­muteants, School Dam­age, Leather Tow­el, Hi­ero­phants, etc.) has been record­ing every­thing on his own. While the last few re­leas­es turned out to be a rather wild and un­pre­dictable ride - touch­ing on Pow­er-/Jan­gele Pop, Synth Pop and Hard­core Punk among oth­er things - Alien Nosejob's newest al­bum is an un­ex­pect­ed­ly con­sis­tent work most­ly op­er­at­ing in a spec­trum of sad pow­er pop and more fa­mil­iar Aus­muteants style garage fare, wrapped in a warm and fuzzy ana­log aes­thet­ic vary­ing from mid- to high fi­deli­ty. With­out ex­cep­tion, these songs are top rate stuff, just clas­sic Robert­son at his best.

Al­bum-Stream →