Thee Khai Aehm - Bevvitched or Bevvildered

More weird-ass shit, as per­vert­ed and love­able as ever, by that garage dun­geon blues duo from Karl­sruhe, Ger­many who so far have made a dent or two with a cou­ple of EPs ap­proach­ing that whole "dun­geon" aes­thet­ic with a pro­nounced acid rock bent. Kin­da like old­school Oh Sees jam­mi­ness be­ing spiked with a gen­er­ous dose of ear­ly Strange At­trac­tor de­prav­i­ty in what ul­ti­mate­ly amounts to pret­ty much their own type of sur­re­al fever dream.

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Scooter Jay - Jaywalking

A de­light­ful batch of laid-back, off-kil­ter psy­che­del­ic- and garage punk good­ness by a Toron­to group. These tunes do have some slight US pro­to punk vibe to them in ad­di­tion to pret­ty un­mis­tak­able space-/acid rock lean­ings, kin­da like a mix be­tween re­cent LPs by Jean Mignon, Peace de Ré­sis­tance or old­er stuff like Faux Fe­ro­cious, even some ear­ly White Fence - with plen­ty of egg­punk weird­ness on top. What's not to like?

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Thee Khai Aehm - Parrier

A new dun­geon punk ar­ti­fact from Karl­sruhe, Ger­many. In con­trast to the bulk of this young micro-genre's acts, Thee Khai Aehm don't in­cor­po­rate a whole lot of old­school met­al in­flu­ences, rather ap­proach­ing the musty dun­geon aes­thet­ic from a dis­tinct psych-/acid rock an­gle, kin­da like a mix be­tween clas­sic Oh Sees, Strange At­trac­tor and… Salamirecorder, maybe? Al­ways play­ful, most­ly weird, some­times epic and pre­sent­ed with a mud­dy, dusty pro­duc­tion aes­thet­ic as if these songs haven't been ex­posed to day­light and oxy­gen for cen­turies.

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Ra!d - Ra!d

As co­in­ci­dence would have it, here's yet an­oth­er group of some­what fuzzy where­abouts al­though the avail­able ev­i­dence gen­er­al­ly points to­ward Penn­syl­va­nia this time. On their most re­cent full-length ef­fort, a war­bly blown-out lo-fi acoustic in­tro gives way to a knock­out punch of a post punk blast that sounds a bit as if the hal­lu­cino­genic haze of groups á la Piles or Die! Die! Die! en­tered the pitch black worlds of Nag. Oth­er times we get some­what more con­ven­tion­al yet nonethe­less ass-kick­ing flash­es of old­school doom- and sludge-lean­ing Am­Rep-style noise rock col­lid­ing with the spaced out acid punk ex­cess of, say, De­struc­tion Unit, Hamer or Su­per-X.

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Cool Sorcery - With Love, Maggie

Now this is a kick­ass, im­pres­sive­ly con­fi­dent long­play­ing de­but as­sem­bled by some dude from Brasília, Brazil out of on­ly the finest bits and pieces con­tem­po­rary DIY garage punk has to of­fer with acts like Andy Hu­man and the Rep­toids, Erik Ner­vous, Spodee Boy, Nick Nor­mal or Bel­ly Jel­ly par­tic­u­lar­ly com­ing to mind, spiced up with oc­ca­sion­al out­bursts of Skull Cult-es­que pan­de­mo­ni­um. Even some psy­che­del­ic vibes á la Mononeg­a­tives, Os­ees or Pow! get mixed in, cul­mi­nat­ing in the mono­lith­ic acid punk one-two punch of Dddelir­i­um and Plague V.

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Phaselicker - Phaselicker

From some un­cer­tain place in Bavaria, Ger­many comes this beau­ty of an EP med­dling in a fit­ting­ly neb­u­lous, fuzz-laden genre spec­trum be­tween garage- and acid punk, psych- and space rock. A re­quired lis­ten for, among oth­ers, con­nois­seurs of noise in the vein of De­struc­tion Unit, Os­ees, Su­per-X, Hamer, Ounce, Faux Fe­ro­cious or Drag­gs.

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