Scooter Jay - Jaywalking

A de­light­ful batch of laid-back, off-kil­ter psy­che­del­ic- and garage punk good­ness by a Toron­to group. These tunes do have some slight US pro­to punk vibe to them in ad­di­tion to pret­ty un­mis­tak­able space-/acid rock lean­ings, kin­da like a mix be­tween re­cent LPs by Jean Mignon, Peace de Ré­sis­tance or old­er stuff like Faux Fe­ro­cious, even some ear­ly White Fence - with plen­ty of egg­punk weird­ness on top. What's not to like?

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Teksti-TV 666 - Vapauden Tasavalta

A new LP by that finnish group with way to many gui­tar play­ers… dun­no, i think 666 was the num­ber last time i count­ed. Here, the band is shift­ing their sound in­creas­ing­ly in­to a psych rock di­rec­tion. Es­pe­cial­ly in TJ they're div­ing head­first in­to Space Rock ter­ri­to­ry and the ef­fort pays of ad­mirably. In oth­er places, they stay true to their brand of melod­ic in­die rock, fuzz punk and noise pop with echoes of No Age, Wavves, Cal­i­for­nia X, Hap­py Div­ing and some ear­ly The Men, which they then in­fuse with sprawl­ing gui­tar drones rem­i­nis­cent of Glenn Bran­ca and 80s Son­ic Youth.

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Super-X - Super-X

Hav­ing re­leased a strong de­but EP in 2017, Mel­bourne group Su­per-X now de­liv­er their first full length, once again packed with tons of spaced-out son­ic force. Clas­sic Stooges en­er­gy col­lides with psy­che­del­ic fire­works á la ear­ly Tele­scopes, some un­ex­pect­ed­ly high amount of post punk and a hint of MX-80, while they man­age to keep things in­ter­est­ing and ver­sa­tile through­out the whole jour­ney, evok­ing a rather di­verse clus­ter of com­par­isons such as Pub­lic Eye, Writhing Squares, De­struc­tion Unit, Faux Fe­ro­cious, Bail­ter­space, The Cow­boy or Open Your Heart-era The Men.

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Boogie Board - Station

Some chica­go dude's lat­est EP de­liv­ers four and a half short & sweet bursts of ex­tra blown-out krauty space­rockin' psy­che­del­ic garage fuzz ec­sta­sy. De­struc­tion Unit-meet-Chrome, Drag­gs col­lide with Dr. Mix & The Remix. Turn on, tune in and… run to your stereo and hit play again 'cos the whole thing is on­ly nine min­utes long.

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