A new dun­geon punk ar­ti­fact from Karl­sruhe, Ger­many. In con­trast to the bulk of this young micro-genre's acts, Thee Khai Aehm don't in­cor­po­rate a whole lot of old­school met­al in­flu­ences, rather ap­proach­ing the musty dun­geon aes­thet­ic from a dis­tinct psych-/acid rock an­gle, kin­da like a mix be­tween clas­sic Oh Sees, Strange At­trac­tor and… Salamirecorder, maybe? Al­ways play­ful, most­ly weird, some­times epic and pre­sent­ed with a mud­dy, dusty pro­duc­tion aes­thet­ic as if these songs haven't been ex­posed to day­light and oxy­gen for cen­turies.