Af­ter last year's de­but LP with his Be­ta Block­ers pret­ty much blew everyone's socks and pants off, there's some new stuff out by one of con­tem­po­rary garage punk's most blaz­ing fig­ures. First, there's been a tape ear­li­er this year un­der the Psykik Vy­lence moniker, which sees him mess­ing around with a prop­er­ly raw as­sort­ment of hard­core punk sounds - the re­sults of which are just plain gor­geous. And then, there's a new dig­i­tal EP with him go­ing it so­lo again, just as was the case with Psykik Vy­lence. But with or with­out Be­ta Block­ers - he's do­ing what he's best known and loved for: Quirky and in­ven­tive Garage Punk with built-in ear­worm guar­an­tee, this time al­so in­clud­ing a pret­ty ob­scure choice for a cov­er ver­sion (no, i in­deed nev­er heard of Taste Test be­fore…) and an un­fin­ished - though to­tal­ly smash­ing - in­stru­men­tal clos­ing track with the promise of ac­tu­al vo­cals for it in the near fu­ture. Got­ta adore the shit out of this!