IMHO, at this hour Ce­ment Shoes of Rich­mond, Vir­ginia are the cur­rent kings of the garagecore mi­cro genre, cou­pling a mas­sive amount of bor­der­line-sleazy rock'n'roll with an un­de­ni­ably hard­core kind of en­er­gy you will find in rel­a­tive­ly few oth­er groups - Cü­lo or their qua­si-suc­ces­sors Taran­tüla, Man Eaters come to mind as a some­what more hard­core-lean­ing com­par­i­son… just maybe. Or kin­da like aus­tralian sleaze-garage rock­ers Gold­en Pel­i­cans hav­ing a hard­core epiphany. On their newest 7" via the ever re­li­able british qual­i­ty out­let Drunk­en Sailor Records we get more of just that, while the clos­ing track Go­ing Off The Grid , a rather straight­for­ward, clas­sic garage tune, might or might not in­di­cate a fu­ture move away from hard­core speeds. But what­ev­er they're gonna do next, they're an ex­cit­ing act to keep both eyes on.