Thor­oug­ly en­joy­able shit, this split LP on Big Neck Records.
Blood Bags from Auck­land, New Zee­land sure know how to trig­ger a de­li­cious­ly blown out garage-/fuzz-/s­ton­er punk ri­ot evok­ing com­par­isons to The Cow­boy and ear­ly The Men, com­plet­ing the fun with some raw stooges pow­er, strong Fun­house-es­que propul­sion.
Salt Lake City's Brain Bagz then pro­duce a Sound that feels close­ly re­lat­ed in spir­it and in its pri­mal en­er­gy, but casts a much wider net in its choice of in­flu­ences - start­ing off with a kin­da Cramps-meet-Scratch Acid vibe and sub­se­quent­ly tak­ing many cues from the 80s pro­to noise rock com­plex in­clud­ing the likes of No Trend, Flip­per, Live Skull.