Neutrals - Wish You Were Here

New Town Dream re­leas­es May 31st via Sta­t­ic Shock Records.

Monda - Stiff Jumbo

Stiff Jum­bo re­leas­es May 10th.

Mirage - Il Giorno Dell'amore E Violenza

Lega­to Al­la Rov­ina re­leas­es April 26th via Roach Leg Records.

Sørdïd - Substance

Reality's A War re­leas­es April 26th via Roach Leg Records.


This Syd­ney group brings a lot of lo­cal bag­gage to the ta­ble with its mem­bers hav­ing been, among oth­er things, in groups such as Bed Wet­tin' Bad Boys, Roy­al Headache, Tim and the Boys and Mun­do Prim­i­ti­vo. But hon­est­ly, they don't sound one bit like any of these groups. Rather, their ra­bid mix­ture of post- and hard­core re­minds me a quite a bit of At­lanta wreck­ing crews Nag and Preda­tor as well as oth­er US groups like ear­ly In­sti­tute, Acrylics, Tube Al­loys, Pyrex, Cork­er and Crim­i­nal Code or, al­ter­nate­ly, Sydney's very own Ar­se and Xilch. Add to that some ul­tra-raw pro­to-noise rock edge á la Flip­per or No Trend and you're rough­ly in the right ball­park. The un­hinged bark of the singer, how­ev­er, re­minds me a lot of UK group Akne.

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Continuals - Continuals

A new Dischord Records co-re­lease and as is usu­al­ly the case with these, we're once again deal­ing with a group whose mem­bers had their hands in a whole shit­load of im­por­tant bands span­ning sev­er­al decades of Wash­ing­ton, D.C. punk his­to­ry, the most ob­vi­ous of these prob­a­bly be­ing the likes of Kerosene 454, Chan­nels, Beau­ty Pill, Soc­cer Team, Of­fice of Fu­ture Plans, Alarms And Con­trols and to make this name­drop­ping-cir­cle­jerk com­plete, the whole thing has been record­ed by Jawbox's J. Rob­bins. But here's the thing with many of these more re­cent Dischord re­leas­es: They rarely ever sound like a tired re­hash or blood­less nos­tal­gia-dri­ven cash-in. It's a unique qual­i­ty of many ac­tors in this par­tic­u­lar scene, the abil­i­ty of stay­ing true to their own mu­si­cal her­itage while still sound­ing every bit as vi­tal and pas­sion­ate as back in the day, will­ing to do the work nec­es­sary for mak­ing this by now very old­school thing sound as fresh as ever, helped by an ap­par­ent in­abil­i­ty to half-ass any of it.

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Hood Rats - Crime, Hysteria & Useless Information

Fi­nal­ly, a full al­bum of Montreal's Hood Rats who've been mak­ing noise for a while al­ready, al­though their sound re­al­ly snapped in­to gear on their two most re­cent EPs in the win­ter of '22 - '23. Now this one is com­prised most­ly of punchy new record­ings of songs al­ready known from said EPs and a 2022 de­mo, but that shouldn't dis­tract you from the fact of what a joy­ous and com­plete as­sault of ear­ly '80s straight-ahead, no-frills US punk- and hard­core en­er­gy this is, en­riched with bits of an­cient KBD- and con­tem­po­rary garage punk. Cer­tain­ly the de­fin­i­tive in­car­na­tion for this lav­ish set of killer tunes!

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Mo egg on ya face (Paulo Vicious /​ Dårskap /​ Gurk)

In re­cent years, i high­ly doubt there's ever been such a thing as a bad week for egg­punk but this one has been es­pe­cial­ly fruit­ful with three no­table, way above av­er­age re­leas­es. Paulo Vi­cious of Tel Aviv you might al­ready be fa­mil­iar with from last winter's kick­ass de­but EP and on this one, they seem­less­ly con­tin­ue the de­praved fun with strong echos of Prison Af­fair, Set-Top Box, Nubot555 and, at times, an added sheen of 8-bit chip­tunes. Oslo, Nor­way act Dårskap then ap­proach egg-re­lat­ed nois­es with a bit of a dun­geon un­der­tone and some ever-so-slight traces of old­school death rock, beg­ging the ques­tion if there's some over­lap with an­oth­er Oslo group, Mol­bo, who've al­so been fea­tured on here just a week ago. To round things out with what is prob­a­bly the most straight­for­ward and clas­sic (hah!) sound­ing ex­am­ple of the bunch, Stock­holm, Sweden's very own Gurk de­liv­er four new at­tacks of ul­tra-catchy egg-in­duced joy on their newest EP that might just be their strongest ef­fort to date.

Al­bum-Streams →

Leaves - Leaves

Leaves are an eng­lish Trio bold­ly de­fy­ing any re­cent trends of their do­mes­tic scene, in­stead dab­bling in a sound in­be­tween the pa­ra­me­ters of post­core, noise- and math rock, all of which smells more of Chica­go, the wider Touch and Go uni­verse and re­lat­ed ar­ti­facts of the '90s US Un­der­ground, do­ing a thor­ough­ly con­vinc­ing job at re­vi­tal­iz­ing an aes­thet­ic that's be­come a bit rare these days. Slint are the most ob­vi­ous com­par­i­son to be made here but you might just as well pin­point some flour­ish­es of Tar, Un­wound, ear­ly Shel­lac and late Bitch Mag­net, a hint of Chavez or Pol­vo and even traces of '90s Dischord propul­sion can be found in Do Some­thing. Of more re­cent groups, ear­li­er in­car­na­tions of Pile and, even more so, Lug­gage sug­gest them­selves as close­ly re­lat­ed ex­am­ples.

Al­bum-Stream →

Machiavellian Art - Population Control

Pop­u­la­tion Con­trol re­leas­es May 10th via Ri­ot Sea­son Records.