This Syd­ney group brings a lot of lo­cal bag­gage to the ta­ble with its mem­bers hav­ing been, among oth­er things, in groups such as Bed Wet­tin' Bad Boys, Roy­al Headache, Tim and the Boys and Mun­do Prim­i­ti­vo. But hon­est­ly, they don't sound one bit like any of these groups. Rather, their ra­bid mix­ture of post- and hard­core re­minds me a quite a bit of At­lanta wreck­ing crews Nag and Preda­tor as well as oth­er US groups like ear­ly In­sti­tute, Acrylics, Tube Al­loys, Pyrex, Cork­er and Crim­i­nal Code or, al­ter­nate­ly, Sydney's very own Ar­se and Xilch. Add to that some ul­tra-raw pro­to-noise rock edge á la Flip­per or No Trend and you're rough­ly in the right ball­park. The un­hinged bark of the singer, how­ev­er, re­minds me a lot of UK group Akne.