A new Dischord Records co-re­lease and as is usu­al­ly the case with these, we're once again deal­ing with a group whose mem­bers had their hands in a whole shit­load of im­por­tant bands span­ning sev­er­al decades of Wash­ing­ton, D.C. punk his­to­ry, the most ob­vi­ous of these prob­a­bly be­ing the likes of Kerosene 454, Chan­nels, Beau­ty Pill, Soc­cer Team, Of­fice of Fu­ture Plans, Alarms And Con­trols and to make this name­drop­ping-cir­cle­jerk com­plete, the whole thing has been record­ed by Jawbox's J. Rob­bins. But here's the thing with many of these more re­cent Dischord re­leas­es: They rarely ever sound like a tired re­hash or blood­less nos­tal­gia-dri­ven cash-in. It's a unique qual­i­ty of many ac­tors in this par­tic­u­lar scene, the abil­i­ty of stay­ing true to their own mu­si­cal her­itage while still sound­ing every bit as vi­tal and pas­sion­ate as back in the day, will­ing to do the work nec­es­sary for mak­ing this by now very old­school thing sound as fresh as ever, helped by an ap­par­ent in­abil­i­ty to half-ass any of it.