Fi­nal­ly, a full al­bum of Montreal's Hood Rats who've been mak­ing noise for a while al­ready, al­though their sound re­al­ly snapped in­to gear on their two most re­cent EPs in the win­ter of '22 - '23. Now this one is com­prised most­ly of punchy new record­ings of songs al­ready known from said EPs and a 2022 de­mo, but that shouldn't dis­tract you from the fact of what a joy­ous and com­plete as­sault of ear­ly '80s straight-ahead, no-frills US punk- and hard­core en­er­gy this is, en­riched with bits of an­cient KBD- and con­tem­po­rary garage punk. Cer­tain­ly the de­fin­i­tive in­car­na­tion for this lav­ish set of killer tunes!