Leaves are an eng­lish Trio bold­ly de­fy­ing any re­cent trends of their do­mes­tic scene, in­stead dab­bling in a sound in­be­tween the pa­ra­me­ters of post­core, noise- and math rock, all of which smells more of Chica­go, the wider Touch and Go uni­verse and re­lat­ed ar­ti­facts of the '90s US Un­der­ground, do­ing a thor­ough­ly con­vinc­ing job at re­vi­tal­iz­ing an aes­thet­ic that's be­come a bit rare these days. Slint are the most ob­vi­ous com­par­i­son to be made here but you might just as well pin­point some flour­ish­es of Tar, Un­wound, ear­ly Shel­lac and late Bitch Mag­net, a hint of Chavez or Pol­vo and even traces of '90s Dischord propul­sion can be found in Do Some­thing. Of more re­cent groups, ear­li­er in­car­na­tions of Pile and, even more so, Lug­gage sug­gest them­selves as close­ly re­lat­ed ex­am­ples.