Klint - Heat Wave

New shit by the world's on­ly viking synth punk project… and we've got an­oth­er win­ner! The ti­tle track just sucks you right in with a throb­bing beat not un­like to the re­cent Dance sin­gle, spiked with a hint of an­cient eu­ro­trash cheesi­ness. With Go Ahead we then get an ef­fec­tive straight-up no-frills punk smash­er, while the odd­ly placed/​titled In­stru­men­tal In­ter­lude feels like fun hom­mage to clas­sic chip­tunes that will al­so mesh well with the on­go­ing dun­geon syn­th/-punk wave.

Liquid Lunch - Road King

The Min­neapo­lis group's de­but EP last year was al­to­geth­er ex­cel­lent stuff al­ready, yet on their most re­cent out­put they still up their game con­sid­er­ably - some added punch ow­ing to a mod­est in­crease in pro­duc­tion val­ues per­fect­ly match­es up to a sub­stan­tial­ly cranked-up en­er­gy lev­el on the group's part, show­cas­ing their quirky and play­ful style of garage- and synth punk from their best side yet. Don't miss out on this if shit á la Pat­ti, Re­al­i­ty Group, Re­search Re­ac­tor Corp., Sa­tan­ic To­gas, Erik Ner­vous, Aus­muteants, Liq­uids or Spodee Boy means any­thing to you!

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Spasi - HTCM in Block City /​ Jerk Squad

The de­but cass­in­gle (?) of this Seat­tle group de­liv­ers a way too short yet al­to­geth­er ex­cit­ing synth- and garage punk freak­out, the A-side HTCM in Block City burst­ing with an en­er­gy not too dis­tant from acts like Liq­uid Face, Klint, Mononeg­a­tives, Ghoulies or Slimex. As for the B-Side Jerk Squad… Is kraut­wave an ac­tu­al genre? 'Cos that's ex­act­ly what i'd de­scribe this stuff as.

Cosme - Demo No. 2

Just like its pre­de­ces­sor, this new tape by Cosme from Ciu­dad López Ma­teos, Mex­i­co is a thor­ough­ly joy­ful ride. While the open­ing track goes all-in with its synth wave vibes and the clos­er dab­bles in a bit of hard­core, the two mid­dle tracks con­tin­ue the first tape's ap­proach of garage- and fuzz punk with that sug­ary syn­the­siz­er coat­ing on top. All of that works out just beau­ti­ful­ly.

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Belly Jelly - The Universal Language

A new LP by Bel­ly Jel­ly aka Sean Al­berts of Skull Cult, Dum­my & QQQL fame (…and not of Safe­ty Net, as i wrong­ly sus­pect­ed at some point) al­ways means a fresh new caf­feine rush as he adds his trade­mark Skull Cult in­san­i­ty to a breed of synth- and garage punk bear­ing at least some re­sem­blance to house­hold names of the Aus­muteants, Iso­tope Soap, Andy Hu­man & The Rep­toids, Re­search Re­ac­tor Corp., Erik Ner­vous or Use­less Eaters va­ri­ety.

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Die TV - Side A

Fun DIY punk shit by some dude based in Marmo­ra, New Jer­sey, os­cil­lat­ing be­tween the poles of elec­tri­cal­ly dri­ven garage- /​synth punk and bizarro post punk with some quirky, over-the top goth stylings. Think of a mix be­tween S.B.F., Set-Top Box, Stal­ins of Sound or ear­ly Kid Chrome… fans of The Spits or Iso­tope Soap shouldn't miss out on this as well.

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Klint - Dance

This dude from Schleswig, Ger­many al­ready made an ex­cel­lent first im­pres­sion a cou­ple weeks ago with his de­but 7" on Good­bye Boozy. The art­work sure sug­gests some dun­geon syn­th/-punk affin­i­ty, al­though sound-wise - lack­ing the lat­ter genre's ob­vi­ous black- and/​or old­school "heavy" met­al el­e­ments - i'd rather com­pare this shit to re­cent de­vel­op­ments on the in­ter­sec­tion of garage-, synth- and elec­tro punk and as­so­ci­at­ed acts of the Mononeg­a­tives, Pow!, Liq­uid Face, Ghoulies or Slimex va­ri­ety.

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Reckless Randy - Reckless Randy

Some­how i must've over­looked this Ocean City, NJ dude so far. His long play­ing de­but and third re­lease al­toghether hits my nerve dead-on though, with a va­ri­ety of sim­ple & stu­pid garage-/elec­tro- and, oc­ca­sion­al­ly, synth punk, of­ten with a dis­tinct 77-ish bent call­ing to mind old pi­o­neers à la Scream­ers, MX-80, Met­al Urbain/​Dr. Mix & The Remix as well as a slight hint of Chrome. In Coun­try Girls, quite fit­ting­ly, we even get a touch of Gun Club-es­que amer­i­cana-/cow­punk while of the more re­cent scene, you might draw com­par­isons to groups like S.B.F., Kid Chrome, Zoids or Ma­teo Man­ic.

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Rude Television - Distractions

Hav­ing al­ready giv­en an ex­cel­lent first im­pres­sion pre­vi­ous­ly on a split tape with the great AJ Cortez, this West Palm Beach dude's fol­low-up EP main­tains the high stan­dard of his garage- and synth punk, ra­di­at­ing the quirky en­er­gy of groups such as Sa­tan­ic To­gas, Erik Ner­vous, Prison Af­fair, Mononeg­a­tives, RMFC… while al­so in­cor­po­rat­ing some '77-ish pow­er pop sen­si­bil­i­ties akin to Tom­my and the Com­mies and to­wards the end, there's al­so an in­creas­ing­ly Alien Nose­job- /​ Aus­muteants-es­que thing goin' on.

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Isotope Soap - In Need Of Systematic Entropy

With quite a bit of de­lay - as has un­for­tu­nate­ly be­come kind of the new nor­mal for any­thing in­tend­ed to be re­leased on vinyl - we get the newest opus of sweden’s prime synth punk out­fit Iso­tope Soap and oh boy, is this a spaced out new lev­el of quirky and weird even for this group. As you might have no­ticed by now, i’m a suck­er for this kind. Con­sist­ing rough­ly half of in­stru­men­tal in­ter­ludes ra­di­at­ing vibes not un­like a bizarro John Car­pen­ter score, the ac­tu­al Songs on this LP more than ever seem to draw in­spi­ra­tion from old­school pi­o­neers of the genre - yeah, of course there is some De­vo in there but even more i’d sug­gest stuff like Scream­ers, Units and Ner­vous Gen­der, all mixed with more re­cent groups 'a la Set-Top Box, Dig­i­tal Leater and, oc­ca­sion­al­ly, i even sense a touch of grim post punk in the vein of Video or VHS.

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