Metdog - Certified Lover Dog

Metdog's fourth ex­tend­ed play is yet an­oth­er trea­sure trove of play­ful and easy­go­ing garage punk… let's not talk about eggs again here. Ad­mir­ers of R.M.F.C., Re­search Re­ac­tor Corp. or Sa­tan­ic To­gas will aprove of this, just as i'm gonna make an ex­cep­tion here and give my full ap­proval for the use of au­to-tune or vocoder or what­ev­er that shit in the clos­ing track is… fuck­ing art, i guess.

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Alien Nosejob - Paint It Clear

Um… what mean­ing­ful thing is there left to say about a new Alien Nose­job record at this point? They kin­da come in two shapes: The grab bag style ones where Mr. Robert­son branch­es out in every di­rec­tion pos­si­ble and the hy­per­fo­cussed mono­cul­ture ones where he dou­bles down on a sin­gle genre - like his hard­core 7"s for ex­am­ple or that synth pop/​eurotrash 12" maxi a while ago. Well, this one's an­oth­er grab bag record and apart from that, it's just the plain old usu­al awe­some­ness we've all come to ex­pect from this dude who seems ut­ter­ly un­able to write a dull tune.

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Daisy Daisy - Fairy Liquid

The de­but EP of this group from Utrecht, Nether­lands is pure con­cen­trat­ed joy from start to fin­ish, chan­neled in­to five prop­er­ly de­ment­ed synth-/garage punk jams won­drous­ly able to by­pass the in­tel­lect en­tire­ly on­ly to make an even big­ger splash with your pri­mal in­stincts. Neat!

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Dudd Dilemma - Figure It Out /​ Dream Dilemma

Per­fect­ly ex­hil­er­at­ing shit, the first crumbs of noise we get from some group or project that might or might not be based in Los An­ge­les. The first two tracks de­liv­er a fla­vor of elec­tri­cal­ly dri­ven garage punk tak­ing cues from acts like Mononeg­a­tives, Use­less Eaters, Pow­er­plant, RRC or Alien Nose­job while the clos­ing track ups the weird­ness con­sid­er­ably, go­ing all-in on pure synth punk may­hem.

The Q-Tips - There Are Those Who Drill Violently​!​

It on­ly took them like… twelve years but fi­nal­ly the Mu­nich duo has re­leased their sec­ond 7" via Sloven­ly Record­ings and it's an ir­re­sistable blast of garage- and elec­tro punk with echoes of The Spits and Stal­ins Of Sound, plus an un­like­ly touch of Big Black in the high­ly com­bustible open­ing track Shut Your Face.

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The Freakees - Freakee Deakee

New shit from one of KBD-in­formed garage punk's prime mak­ers in our time, L.A.'s Frea­kees. Hav­ing tried on quite di­verse styl­is­tic flour­ish­es, bits and pieces on re­cent EPs in­clud­ing pure synth-/elec­tro punk on their pre­vi­ous one, they have nev­er sound­ed more fo­cused than on their newest ef­fort and this pays off ad­mirably as the cur­rent, pret­ty synth-heavy it­er­a­tion of their sound to­tal­ly slaps and might be com­pared fa­vor­ably to acts like ear­ly Launch­er, Alien Nose­job, Re­search Re­ac­tor Corp., Liq­uid As­sets and Sa­tan­ic To­gas.

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C.H.I.M.P. - Demo

…and here's yet an­oth­er ex­quis­ite load of quirky, fun & catchy DIY garage- and synth punk by some aus­tralian dude that fits right in be­tween, say, the last Alien Nose­job full-length and the even more col­or­ful mi­cro­cosm of Warttman-af­fil­i­at­ed groups.

Al­bum-Stream →

Monoburro - Discografia

Every­one keep an eye on the chilean la­bel In­stant Par­ty. Hav­ing al­ready caught my ears re­cent­ly with the Piz­za Boys tape, these folks have just un­earthed an­oth­er gem by a mex­i­can group i prob­a­bly wouldn't have heard of oth­er­wise and they fuck­ing rule! This tape com­piles all four EPs they've re­leased so far. Elec­tri­fied garage- and synth punk kin­da like S.B.F.-meets-The Spits, but the lat­ter with way more ro­bots, more cy­ber­punk but maybe al­so… mum­ble punk?

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Μπριτζολιτσεσ - Αισχοσ Ντροπη

So the egg-plague has now ar­rived in Greece. Was about time, i'd say. Μπριτζολιτσεσ are a duo from Athens cook­ing up a mix­ture of garage- and synth punk that even yours tru­ly has to clas­si­fy as to­tal­ly and de­li­cious­ly nuts. A lev­el of nut­ty­ness that's rough­ly in the ball­park of lu­natics like Skull Cult or the whole Warttman-in­fest­ed Re­search Re­ac­tor Corp./Set-Top Box clus­ter­fuck. What­ev­er un­de­ci­pher­able mess google trans­late makes of the lyrics gives me a hunch that un­der­stand­ing the lan­guage won't make the whole thing any san­er.

Al­bum-Stream →

Mainframe - Employee /​ RIP

Yet an­oth­er Good­bye Boozy 7" by a trio whose line­up is the stuff wet dreams of today's dis­tin­guished garage-, synth- and egg­punk con­nois­seur are made of, in­clud­ing con­nec­tions to Skull Cult and rough­ly half of the Warttman em­pire. The re­sults are rather unsurprising…ly awe­some!