Power Pants - Power Pants

Here's your oblig­a­tory week­ly fix of melod­ic garage-/egg-/synth punk shit, this time com­ing from a Win­ches­ter, Vir­ginia out­fit whose quirky nois­es will sure­ly sat­is­fy the needs of af­fic­i­na­dos pri­mar­i­ly of the austal­ian scene in­clud­ing acts such as Aus­muteants, Re­search Re­ac­tor Corp., R.M.F.C., Set-Top Box, Tee Vee Re­pair­man, Eu­gh, Daugh­ter Bat & The Lip Stings… as well as some US acts á la Er­ic Ner­vous, Sex Mex and Liq­uids.

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Klint - Guilty

More great fod­der by synth-/elec­tro viking punk mae­stro Klint on this nice com­pi­la­tion avail­able ei­ther dig­i­tal­ly or dubbed on­to pre-loved cas­sette stock, if you're so in­clined - i do cer­tain­ly ap­prove of that, giv­ing old cas­settes a new home! So what we got here is a mix of old shit you might have heard al­ready, old shit you prob­a­bly haven't heard yet and new shit you def­i­nite­ly haven't. Oh and then ap­par­ent­ly there's al­so the mat­ter a of a cou­ple of re­cent­ly un­earthed an­cient wax cylin­ders, glo­ri­ous­ly rough around the edges and un­played since ap­prox­i­mate­ly 1904-1912. Neat!

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Witch Piss - Tape 1

A quick and pain­less at­tack of garage- and synth punk equal­ly catchy and noisy by some group or per­son from Si­mi Val­ley, Cal­i­for­nia. This is more than a lit­tle rem­i­nis­cent to con­tem­po­rary genre pow­er­hous­es such as S.B.F., The Gobs, Slimex, Ghoulies, Quit­ter or C.H.I.M.P., among many oth­ers and every bit as good.

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Die TV - Side D

Side num­ber four by Marmo­ra, New Jer­sey garage trou­ba­dor Die TV is yet an­oth­er su­per-sol­id batch of garage-/synth-/elec­tro punk minia­ture good­ness. Not much more to add to that oth­er than what i al­ready said about his pre­vi­ous re­leas­es: Friends of weird­ness in the same or­bit as, say, Pow­er­plant, Stal­ins of Sound, Erik Ner­vous, The Spits, Set-Top Box, Dig­i­tal Leather… re­joice!

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Cool Sorcery - The Definitive Step​-​by​-​Step Dance Guide for Warlord Necromancers and Enthusiasts

A new EP by brazil­ian eggpunk's prime mover Cool Sor­cery aka Mar­cos As­sis. His sound is be­com­ing more am­bi­tious with each new re­lease and ac­cord­ing­ly, the newest one is an­oth­er de­light­ful struc­tured mess, seem­ing­ly draw­ing just as much un­like­ly in­spi­ra­tion from 70's hard- and pro­gres­sive rock as it does from the cur­rent garage- and syn­th­punk scene.

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Power Flower - Anarchy Now or Fuck Off

This weeks prime ex­hib­it un­earthed from the bermu­da tri­an­gle of Garage-, Synth- and Egg­punk-re­lat­ed de­men­tia comes from a bunch of hun­gar­i­an folks let­ting loose a rack­et that leaves noth­ing be de­sired for con­noiseurs of the genre, scratch­ing an itch sim­i­lar to well known genre en­ti­ties á la Ghoulies, Re­search Re­ac­tor Corp., Slimex, Gee Tee or Set-Top Box.

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Crime Waves - Crime Waves

Dumb and sim­plis­tic garage-/synth punk shit from Swe­den that won't fail to en­er­gize fans of the likes of Liq­uid Face, The Spits, Aus­muteants, Sex Mex, Ma­teo Man­ic, Slimex, Pow­er­plant, Buck Biloxi and the Fucks… pick your poi­son!

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Drýsildjöfull - Dýflissupaunk

You know what's re­al­ly been miss­ing re­cent­ly? A new dun­geon punk scorcher! This ar­ti­fact of un­clear ori­gin goes the buz­z­saw syn­th­punk-meets-black-met­al route and does a for­mi­da­ble job at get­ting you in­to the mood for some skull-split­ting ac­tion in the musty cat­a­combs.

Al­bum-Stream →

Klint - Existence

A new batch of lo-fi viking synth punk mad­ness from that Schleswig dude who at this point doesn't need an in­tro­duc­tion i think, hav­ing craft­ed a very unique niche of his own with a string of EPs and sin­gles over the short span of less than a year. His newest one is an­oth­er strong beast os­cil­lat­ing be­tween snap­py garage punk smash­ers and throb­bing dance floor rough-ups.

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Pleasants - Demo

A catchy-as-fuck at­tack of melod­ic garage punk fun with a bit of synth ac­tion goin' in some tunes, an abun­dance of '77 tune­ful­ness in oth­ers. Ad­mir­ers of Sick Thoughts, Cher­ry Cheeks, Boo­ji Boys, Erik Ner­vous or TJ Cabot are sure gonna ap­prove.

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