Hav­ing al­ready giv­en an ex­cel­lent first im­pres­sion pre­vi­ous­ly on a split tape with the great AJ Cortez, this West Palm Beach dude's fol­low-up EP main­tains the high stan­dard of his garage- and synth punk, ra­di­at­ing the quirky en­er­gy of groups such as Sa­tan­ic To­gas, Erik Ner­vous, Prison Af­fair, Mononeg­a­tives, RMFC… while al­so in­cor­po­rat­ing some '77-ish pow­er pop sen­si­bil­i­ties akin to Tom­my and the Com­mies and to­wards the end, there's al­so an in­creas­ing­ly Alien Nose­job- /​ Aus­muteants-es­que thing goin' on.