With quite a bit of de­lay - as has un­for­tu­nate­ly be­come kind of the new nor­mal for any­thing in­tend­ed to be re­leased on vinyl - we get the newest opus of sweden’s prime synth punk out­fit Iso­tope Soap and oh boy, is this a spaced out new lev­el of quirky and weird even for this group. As you might have no­ticed by now, i’m a suck­er for this kind. Con­sist­ing rough­ly half of in­stru­men­tal in­ter­ludes ra­di­at­ing vibes not un­like a bizarro John Car­pen­ter score, the ac­tu­al Songs on this LP more than ever seem to draw in­spi­ra­tion from old­school pi­o­neers of the genre - yeah, of course there is some De­vo in there but even more i’d sug­gest stuff like Scream­ers, Units and Ner­vous Gen­der, all mixed with more re­cent groups 'a la Set-Top Box, Dig­i­tal Leater and, oc­ca­sion­al­ly, i even sense a touch of grim post punk in the vein of Video or VHS.