Mainframe - Employee /​ RIP

Yet an­oth­er Good­bye Boozy 7" by a trio whose line­up is the stuff wet dreams of today's dis­tin­guished garage-, synth- and egg­punk con­nois­seur are made of, in­clud­ing con­nec­tions to Skull Cult and rough­ly half of the Warttman em­pire. The re­sults are rather unsurprising…ly awe­some!

Egg Idiot - Egg Idiot

Some pa­thet­ic los­er in Leipzig, Ger­many is play­ing around with bleep-emit­ting hard­ware and record­ing equip­ment, not yet ful­ly re­al­iz­ing this leads to him end­ing up fight­ing the good bat­tle at the fore­front of the egghead rev­o­lu­tion. This record is a fuck­ing mas­ter­piece you need to have in your life. Hav­ing on­ly lis­tened to it once, i al­ready feel a lot smarter, more bal­anced - full en­light­en­ment on­ly inch­es away. Al­most be­ing a wise old man my­self, i can't stress enough how fuck­ing proud i am of this lit­tle shit.

Al­bum-Stream →

Mononegatives - Apparatus Division

This Lon­don, On­tario group had put out a cou­ple of al­ready quite neat EP's in 2019 but it's on­ly on their new full length de­but that all the mov­ing pieces re­al­ly click in­to place for twelve 12XU-cer­ti­fied killer tracks made up of charm­ing­ly odd, high­ly in­ven­tive and ex­quis­ite­ly en­er­getic garage-, synth- and post punk echo­ing shit like Use­less Eaters, Pow!, Ex-Cult and Preda­tor.

Al­bum-Stream →

Ghoulies - Reprogram

This week's manda­to­ry in­jec­tion of De­vo-ish garage- and synth-punk comes from some Perth based group whose quirky and catchy sounds sure­ly won't fail to more than ad­e­quate­ly re-vi­tal­ize ad­mir­ers of groups like Skull Cult, Re­search Re­ac­tor Corp., Alien Nose­job, Iso­tope Soap or Erik Ner­vous.

Al­bum-Stream →

Spyroids - Passage To Hell

Oh my… it took a good two years (or rather, two some­what be­low-the-usu­al-stan­dard years) for this Los An­ge­les duo to come up with a fol­low-up to their fiendish­ly fun de­but EP. Just as back then, this is noth­ing short of an­oth­er glo­ri­ous spec­ta­cle of sleazy, stinky, for­bid­den synth-/elec­tro punk de­light, the likes of which you'll on­ly ever en­counter in the shadi­est cor­ners of Bandcamp's adult en­ter­tain­ment sec­tion.

Al­bum-Stream →

TJ Cabot & Sonic Hz - Out Of Touch

While, for my own taste, re­leas­es by that cana­di­an garage weirdo TJ Cabot have so far been a rather hit-or-miss af­fair, his newest 7" - a col­lab­o­ra­tion with synth wave artist Son­ic Hz - falls square­ly in­to the "hit" cat­e­go­ry. This high-sug­ar feast for your eardrums art­ful­ly com­binines the best in­gre­di­ents of both worlds and re­minds me quite a bit of Sweden's synth punk pow­er­house Iso­tope Soap.

Cosme - Demo

Now that thing's a treat! Some group from Ciu­dad López Ma­teos, Mex­i­co de­liv­ers a truck­load of pure joy on this tape, con­densed in­to three straight­for­ward-as-fuck bangers made out of fuzzed-out garage- and bub­blegum punk with some synth-sweet­ness on top, trans­mit­ting an undi­lut­ed sug­ar rush straight in­to your blood­stream.

Al­bum-Stream →

Set-Top Box - Max Headroom

An­oth­er tasty four­some of catchy, quirky garage- and syn­th­punk blasts sees this rather mys­te­ri­ous aus­tralian group/​project con­tin­u­al­ly creep­ing to­wards de­vofied DIY punk per­fec­tion, so­lid­i­fy­ing their ever-ris­ing sta­tus among their genre pool's supreme present-day über­dudes.

Al­bum-Stream →

Warm Exit - Warm Exit 7"

Brus­sels group Warm Ex­it has a new EP out and just as i sus­pect­ed that thing fuckin' rules. Four new high volt­age garage-/synth punk smash­ers some­where in the neigh­bor­hood of Pow­er­plant, Aus­muteants or what­ev­er the Warttman em­pire is up to right now.

Al­bum-Stream →

Ope - Tapes 1-3

Here's a holdover from last week by a sin­gle Mil­wau­kee dude (i guess) that i first planned to omit here but on clos­er lis­ten­ing turned out to be much stronger than i ini­tial­ly thought. A catchy, dreamy, melan­cholic blend of lo-fi noise pop, or­gan-and-synth punk un­folds on these tapes that al­so ra­di­ates a good deal of old­school Fly­ing Nun-type psy­che­delia.