ALF - The Demo

Ex­cel­lent new rough and noisy shit from this Perth, Aus­tralia group op­er­at­ing on the in­ter­sec­tions of garage- and hard­core punk with an added dis­tinct old­school KBD-Vibe not en­tire­ly dis­sim­i­lar to the likes of the Liq­uid As­sets, Frea­kees, Li­po­suc­tion, Launch­er or Mys­tic Inane. An EU edi­tion of this beau­ty is promised to drop pret­ty soon via Good­bye Boozy Records!

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Pablo X - Pablo X

Min­i­mal­ist psy­che­del­ic hyp­no­tism of a par­tic­u­lar­ly repet­i­tive and stub­born, time­less va­ri­ety by french­man Re­my Pablo who, if i'm not mis­tak­en, is al­so play­ing in groups such as The Anomalys and Weird Omen. You can hear clear echoes of ol late-'70s and '80s un­der­ground groups á la MX-80, Chrome, ear­ly Tele­scopes and Met­al Ur­bain while fur­ther com­par­isons might just as well be made to more re­cent acts like Peace de Ré­sis­tance, A Place To Bury Strangers, Jean Mignon and Writhing Squares.

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Beef - Beef

This Cincin­nati group's sec­ond EP sets off a strong new set of high­ly flam­ma­ble charges made up of in­gre­di­ents found some­where in the grey ar­eas of Noise Rock, Post-, Garage- and Synth Punk… a bit like an un­sta­ble mix­ture of Bust­ed Head Rack­et, Brandy, R.Clown, ISS, Spy­roids and Know­so boiled down to an al­most '70s/'80s The Fall-es­qe sim­plic­i­ty and rep­e­ti­tion.

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Tricks - Body, Doctrine, Enjoyment

Garage punk meets math rock meets psy­che­delia meets post­core on this breath­less new tape by Min­neapo­lis group Tricks, at dif­fer­ent times bear­ing sim­i­lar­i­ties to re­cent groups as di­verse as Re­al­i­ty Group, Ura­ni­um Club, Yam­mer­er, Big Bop­per, Pat­ti, Ex-Cult, Rolex, Shark Toys, Sauna Youth… at times you might even per­cieve a slight 90s Dischord vibe á la Jaw­box, Fara­quet and Med­ica­tions.

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Lice Trays - Trays of Lice

Stu­pid dumb catchy safe no-frills garage- and synth punk fun clear­ly har­vest­ed from the depths of a heav­i­ly Reatard-dam­aged sub­con­scious on this kick­ass tape by aus­tralian dude Ri­ley Mc­Closkey, who sup­pos­ed­ly has al­so played in at least two bands i didn't know shit about. Is that a styophone emit­ting these beeps and squeaks? We need more sty­lo­phone in every­thing!

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Nasty World - Demo /​ Lohn der Angst - Lohn Der Angst

If noth­ing else, it's at least been a great few days for friends of old­school synth punk ac­tion in­clud­ing not on­ly a cou­ple of es­sen­tial The Steves reis­sues via Iron Lung records but al­so these two beau­ties from Oak­land and Berlin re­spec­tive­ly. Nasty World kin­da go about their stuff like it's 1981 or some­thing, con­jur­ing up a vibe kin­da like a wild mix­ture be­tween Scream­ers, De­vo, Units, Vis­i­tors, Ner­vous Gen­der or Min­i­mal Man but al­so not quite dis­sim­i­lar to more re­cent shit of the Iso­tope Soap, Pow­er­plant, Lost Pack­ages or Freak Genes va­ri­ety. All of that could equal­ly fit the de­scrip­tion of that Lohn der Angst record but in their case, i'd add a good deal of Prim­i­tive Cal­cu­la­tors on top as well as a cou­ple of ger­man in­flu­ences rang­ing from an­cient DAF to more re­cent acts like Puff! and Pisse, as well as some dis­tinct kraut-/mo­torik vibes in tracks such as Warteschleife and Grelles Gesicht.

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Famous Mammals - Instant Pop Expressionism Now!

I got­ta say, fol­low­ing up on a promis­ing but still some­what un­der­cooked and in­con­sis­tent de­but tape from two years ago, i'm kin­da blown away by the hyp­not­ic pull of this sec­ond al­bum by an Oak­land (?) group hav­ing among their ranks mem­bers of a whole bunch of house­hold num­bers - The World, Andy Hu­man and the Rep­toids, Rays and Vi­o­lent Change might just be the most fa­mil­iar names among those for long­time watch­ers of this space, but these are just the tip of the ice­berg re­al­ly. While you can plau­si­bly pick out some sim­i­lar­i­ties to all these groups, i'm way more re­mind­ed of the re­laxed post- and garage punk of aus­tralian groups UV Race and Wire­heads, en­hanced with some fla­vor of british psy­che­delia (Vi­tal Idles come to mind as a con­tem­po­rary ref­er­ence), even a smidge of Wire and ear­ly Bar­rett-era Pink Floyd in Let The Light In. Just as well though, they might have drawn plen­ty of in­spi­ra­tion from '70s-'80s british DIY cul­ture with groups á la Mem­branes, Swell Maps, Mekons and Des­per­ate Bi­cy­cles be­ing the clos­est com­par­isons i can pull out of my ass right now.

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Texture Freq - Masochistic Episode

A beau­ti­ful­ly over­whelm­ing mud show­er of noise-in­fest­ed Post­core, the de­but EP of this Min­neapo­lis group clear­ly in­her­it­ing some of the DNA of the city's own Noise Rock-re­lat­ed his­to­ry while feel­ing per­fect­ly con­tem­po­rary all the same, main­ly re­mind­ing me of re­cent bands á la Doll­house, Launch­er, Mys­tic Inane, Wymyns Prysyn and Op­tic Nerve… with a touch of Hot Snakes thrown in for good mea­sure.

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Snooper - Super Snõõper

At first glance i couldn't help but feel a bit dis­ap­point­ed by the lack of new ma­te­r­i­al on the Nashville group's de­but LP but then again, i can't say these new record­ings of songs most­ly known from pre­vi­ous EPs don't slap - they kick some se­ri­ous ass, trad­ing in some of the pre­vi­ous re­leas­es' sham­bol­ic quirk­i­ness for a bit more of a hard­core edge and while i've re­al­ly grown fond of the EPs' Lo-Fi aes­thet­ics, there have al­so been some ex­am­ples on these that nev­er quite clicked with me in their ear­li­er ver­sions and its those songs that gain the most on this LP which is like­ly al­so a clos­er rep­re­sen­ta­tion of the group's cur­rent live sound, their shows hav­ing gained kind of a leg­endary rep­u­ta­tion at this point. Can't wait to see these folks tour Eu­rope.

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Neo Neos - Act - VII

Just as i think i'm done blog­ging for the week and while i least ex­pect it, a new Neo Neos record ma­te­ri­al­izes pret­ty much out of thin air! Now that's al­ways a ma­jor event in the 12XU mi­cro­verse any­way but the oc­ca­sion is made all the more spe­cial as this is the first new re­lease in a cou­ple years (not count­ing the Hard Dri­ve Ex­per­i­ments out­takes comps) by garage punk over­lord and al­ter­nate-di­men­sion gui­tar god Con­nie Voltaire. This shit has me feel­ing right at home from the start, un­mis­tak­ably Neo Neos in all its de­praved glo­ry and ab­solute­ly up there with the best of his ma­te­r­i­al. In case you pre­fer slabs of PVC, Un­der The Gun Records has you cov­ered with a new LP com­pil­ing this thing on one side as well as the 2018 opus Get The Neo Neos on the oth­er.

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