Nick Normal - Windows Painted Shut

Portland's Nick Nor­mal al­ready made a most wel­come splash in the form of a hand­ful of rather Lo-Fi sound­ing EPs in re­cent past. Not on­ly has the dude now found a per­fect home in be­tween all the oth­er whacky moth­er­fuck­ers re­leas­ing their stuff via Dis­con­tin­u­ous In­no­va­tion Inc, but we al­so get to hear his mu­sic for the first time in a son­ic pre­sen­ta­tion that takes at least some ad­van­tage of the au­di­ble range. Oth­er­wise it's busi­ness as usu­al, which in this case means a shit­load of off-kil­ter fun halfway be­tween post- and garage punk. Add to that a hint of new wave and you might be re­mind­ed of Andy Hu­man or Erik Ner­vous, al­so you might draw some par­al­lels to Aus­muteants or Use­less Eaters.

Al­bum-Stream →