Nasty World - Demo /​ Lohn der Angst - Lohn Der Angst

If noth­ing else, it's at least been a great few days for friends of old­school synth punk ac­tion in­clud­ing not on­ly a cou­ple of es­sen­tial The Steves reis­sues via Iron Lung records but al­so these two beau­ties from Oak­land and Berlin re­spec­tive­ly. Nasty World kin­da go about their stuff like it's 1981 or some­thing, con­jur­ing up a vibe kin­da like a wild mix­ture be­tween Scream­ers, De­vo, Units, Vis­i­tors, Ner­vous Gen­der or Min­i­mal Man but al­so not quite dis­sim­i­lar to more re­cent shit of the Iso­tope Soap, Pow­er­plant, Lost Pack­ages or Freak Genes va­ri­ety. All of that could equal­ly fit the de­scrip­tion of that Lohn der Angst record but in their case, i'd add a good deal of Prim­i­tive Cal­cu­la­tors on top as well as a cou­ple of ger­man in­flu­ences rang­ing from an­cient DAF to more re­cent acts like Puff! and Pisse, as well as some dis­tinct kraut-/mo­torik vibes in tracks such as Warteschleife and Grelles Gesicht.

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The Drin - Engines Sing for the Pale Moon

I some­how man­aged to over­look this en­chant­i­ng al­bum of not-your-av­er­age post punk fare when it first came out as a cas­sette on Fu­ture Shock and damn, i should to­tal­ly hang for that. Here's my sec­ond chance how­ev­er, as this thing has now been reis­sued on vinyl by Drunk­en Sailor Records. The Drin is a so­lo project of Dy­lan Mc­Cart­ney with whom you might al­ready be fa­mil­iar as part of groups such as Va­ca­tion, The Serfs, Crime Of Pass­ing and The Switzer­lands, among oth­ers. The record starts off with a Joy Di­vi­sion-es­que beat get­ting drenched in drones that have a cer­tain Sui­cide-meets-Chrome vibe to them. Next up is a track that sounds kin­da as if ear­ly Ride had reached dub-en­light­en­ment. Sub­se­quent­ly, this shit ap­pears to cy­cle through ran­dom it­er­a­tions of ear­ly british DIY post punk, more than once con­jur­ing up the spir­it of The Mem­branes, Des­per­ate Bi­cy­cles and Swell Maps. Of more re­cent acts, you might draw some com­par­isons to Ex­ek at its more dub-heavy out­growths as well as the neo kraut and space rock ex­plo­rations of Moon Duo. The whole thing's such a beau­ty all the way through.

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Boogie Board - Station

Some chica­go dude's lat­est EP de­liv­ers four and a half short & sweet bursts of ex­tra blown-out krauty space­rockin' psy­che­del­ic garage fuzz ec­sta­sy. De­struc­tion Unit-meet-Chrome, Drag­gs col­lide with Dr. Mix & The Remix. Turn on, tune in and… run to your stereo and hit play again 'cos the whole thing is on­ly nine min­utes long.

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