Gee Tee - Goodnight Neanderthal

New stuff from Gee Tee or Vee or what­ev­er, this dude's shit is all good! On this LP, he's hold­ing a nice bal­ance be­tween the pow­er pop ten­den­cies of his re­cent Tee Vee Re­pair­man records and the some­what more garage-lean­ing projects of his á la Sa­tan­ic To­gas, Re­search Re­ac­tor Corp. and Set-Top Box, mak­ing for an­oth­er fine batch of fuzzed-out garage pop tunes, among them some of his most in­fec­tious ones so far, that's for sure.

Al­bum-Stream →

Soft Shoulder - Smile Building's Exit

Tempe, Ari­zona group Soft Shoul­der have been at it for way over a decade now and still seem as live­ly and pro­duc­tive as ever, hav­ing churned out a steady stream of sin­gles and EPs re­leased dig­i­tal­ly and as lim­it­ed lathe cuts the past year. Their newest LP presents them as fo­cused as they haven't been in a long while though, their quirky-as-fuck mix­ture of post punk and noise rock burst­ing with en­er­gy as catchy grooves some­what rem­i­nis­cent of The Fall from the late eight­ies on­ward col­lides with a de­cid­ed­ly no-wave school of noise and dis­so­nance.

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Scam Likely - Scam Likely

A duo made up of Ki­mi Recor and Vin­ny "Vaguess" Ear­ley, you can't re­al­ly over­look the sim­i­lar­i­ties to the lat­ter dude's record­ed out­put but there's al­so more go­ing on here. Start­ing off from a fa­mil­iar mix of garage- and post punk there's some clear Lithics kind of en­er­gy in some places or Welt Star, an­oth­er Ear­ley-re­lat­ed project comes to mind while songs like Star­ing at the Sun and Please 3 sound like for­got­ten Woolen Men tunes that fell through the cracks some­where and Chameleon has the vibe of a Dig­i­tal Leather deep cut from an al­ter­nate cold-wave re­al­i­ty.

Al­bum-Stream →

Opsec - Affordable Death

Like a smelly pud­dle of pure hard- and noisec­ore dis­gust, this neat lit­tle tape by New York group Opsec has kind of an ex­ten­sive Flip­per- and No Trend feel to it just as well as bits and pieces of more re­cent phe­nom­e­na like Soup­cans, C-Krit, Stink­hole, Cri­sis Man, Black But­ton or Mys­tic Inane.

Al­bum-Stream →

Paint Fumes - Book of Love

Re­al Ro­mancer re­leas­es April 14th via Dig! Records.

Pissant - SYLS II

On­ly Fools and Corpses re­leas­es March 17th.

Electric Chair - Certain Doom

Act Of Ag­gres­sion re­leas­es March 31st via Iron Lung Records.

Laff Box - Restart The Program

Laff Box re­leas­es May 5th via Tur­bo Dis­cos & Neo Taste Records.

Smirk - On Crack

Smirk 7" re­leas­es soon™ via Un­der The Gun Records.