Crown Court - Rich Boy

Crown Court /​ The En­forcers split 7" re­leas­es April 1st via Cross­bar Records.

Guardian Singles - Chad and Stacey

Feed Me To The Doves re­leas­es May 26th via Trou­ble In Mind Records.

Baby Tyler - Wanna Change?

Im­poster re­leas­es April 7th via Tetry­on Tapes

Moonwalks - Heavy Tears

West­ern Mys­tery Tra­di­tion re­leas­es May 26th via Fuzz Club Records.

Arranged Marriage - Upsetting Mac

Fun To Be Around re­leas­es March 17th via Union Jerk Records.

Snooper - Waste

Pringue - Random Punk Content Generator

More quirky garage punk in­san­i­ty from that Barcelona group who al­ready made an ex­cel­lent im­pres­sion with pre­vi­ous EP two years ago. Some­what more fo­cused and con­fi­dent sound­ing on this one, this is an­oth­er de­light­ful blast of high-per­cent­age egg-ness in a sim­i­lar vein to, say, R.M.F.C., Set-Top Box, Nuts or Spain's own won­ders of the Prison Af­fair, Fi­nale and Be­ta Max­i­mo va­ri­ety.

Al­bum-Stream →

Spewed Brain - International Heartthrob

Beau­ti­ful­ly sham­bol­ic chaos op­er­at­ing some­where around the weird­er fringes of hard­core and garage punk. When in hard­core mode, i'm most re­mind­ed of Cells and oth­er hard­core-lean­ing projects of Con­nie Voltaire while on the garage side of things, i'm think­ing of stuff á la Liq­uids, ear­ly Erik Ner­vous or - more re­cent­ly - Print Head and Scab Breath.

Al­bum-Stream →