TGRX - System

TURBO23 re­leas­es No­vem­ber 24th via UGL Me­dia.

Split System - End Of The Night

Vol. 2 re­leas­es Feb­ru­ary 9th via Leg­less Records (AUS), Goner Records (US) and Drunk­en Sailor Records (EU).

R.M.F.C. - Club Hits

These folks have been around for a cou­ple years al­ready and i'm kin­da sur­prised to re­al­ize this is ac­tu­al­ly their first re­al full length re­lease to date. The in­tro false­ly hints at a some­what pro­gres­sive-ish di­rec­tion, though sub­se­quent­ly they set­tle in­to a more fa­mil­iar aes­thet­ic, a sound that's ab­solute­ly of their time yet kin­da sin­gu­lar among their peers in its an­gu­lar, elab­o­rate el­e­gance - a mix­ture of post- and garage punk hit­ting the per­fect mix­ture of smart and fun, kin­da re­laxed yet in­cred­i­ble propul­sive all the same, re­mark­able for its lay­ered tex­tures and ef­fort­less ex­e­cu­tion, al­so pre­sent­ing them at their catchi­est so far. At times you might com­pare them to art­sy post punk groups á la more re­cent In­sti­tute, Ex­it Group and Mononeg­a­tives, the slight­ly psy­ched-up vari­ant of this as played by, say, Mar­bled Eye, Waste Man, Bruised or Pub­lic Eye as well as play­ful, clever garage punk acts like Erik Ner­vous, Clarko, Tee Vee Re­pair­man, Mononeg­a­tives, Pinch Points, Dumb, Ura­ni­um Club, Re­al­i­ty Group… and i could still come up with many more awe­some ref­er­ence points. This shit rules, plain and sim­ple!

Al­bum-Stream →

Erik Nervous - Immaturity

An­oth­er con­stant pres­ence of the garage scene who's been around pret­ty much since the be­gin­ning of this blog has a new LP out and it's such a thing of beau­ty! As ver­sa­tile and in­ven­tive as ever, these new songs more or less con­tin­ue the dude's very own quirky, slight­ly De­vo-fied vi­sion of garage punk that first ful­ly took form on that Be­ta Block­ers LP in 2019 - in­stant­ly rec­og­niz­able yet al­ways a cou­ple steps ahead of the lis­ten­er, al­ways good for a sur­prise or two. Tracks like Hemgeeh und Pro­jec­tor come with kind of a spaced out, psy­che­del­ic Mononeg­a­tives en­er­gy. Al­so, we get a bunch of com­pact and catchy-as-fuck synth-dri­ven smash­ers in the sec­ond half as well as a neat They Might Be Gi­ants cov­er and Al­li­ga­tor Fac­ing East is such an epic fuck­ing hymn for the ages! Fur­ther plau­si­ble ref­er­ence points for the over­all sound of this record would be the likes of Andy Hu­man and the Rep­toids, Freak Genes, Iso­tope Soap and New Vogue.

Al­bum-Stream →

Citric Dummies - Zen and the Arcade of Beating Your Ass

Damn, it ap­pears for some weird rea­son i've skipped post­ing about all pre­vi­ous re­leas­es of this Min­neapo­lis group here, beg­ging the ques­tion of what the fuck has been wrong with me all the time. While i'm con­sult­ing my ther­a­pist about that, lemme just say that this newest Cit­ric Dum­mies LP is a per­fect knock­out punch of ear­ly '80s-in­flu­enced-old­school-en­er­gy-meets-con­tem­po­rary-garage-punk good­ness pack­ing an ex­tra punch due to the al­ways ex­cel­lent pro­duc­tion du­ties of garage prodi­gy Erik Ner­vous, of whom we're gonna hear again this week. While the Hüsker Dü-ref­er­enc­ing ti­tle and art­work feel kin­da goofy at first glance, they're al­so not en­tire­ly out of place as these songs con­jure up a fury not en­tire­ly dis­sim­i­lar to the Dü in their prime but sim­i­lar things could be said of ear­ly Naked Ray­gun, Ado­les­cents, an oc­ca­sion­al hint of Bad Brains or a touch of Dick­ies in their catchi­est mo­ments. Every fuck­ing song on here is a sim­ple and pre­cise, pre­med­i­tat­ed hit in the guts, their in­cred­i­ble song wiz­ardry nev­er fail­ing to land even once.

Al­bum-Stream →

Daydream - Reaching for Eternity

This Port­land Group's third full length fur­ther re­fines their ex­plo­sive for­mu­la of se­ri­ous­ly noise- and slight­ly garage-in­fused post­core in­to their most re­al­ized and elab­o­rate ef­fort do date, their hy­per­ac­tive vi­sion of struc­tured chaos con­stant­ly shapeshift­ing and throw­ing curve­balls all the way, lead­ing in­to all kinds of in­ter­est­ing ma­neu­vers. Al­though no two songs are too much alike on here, the most fre­quent­ly ap­plic­a­ble com­par­isons i can come up with are groups such as the var­i­ous in­car­na­tions of New York's Ka­le­o­doscope, ear­ly Bad Breeed­ing, Acrylics and, in some parts, Cri­sis Man, ear­ly Video and As­cot Stab­ber.

Al­bum-Stream →

Verspannungskassette #65 (C-90)

R.M.F.C. Hu­man State
Alien Nose­job Split Per­son­al­i­ty
Vi­o­lent Change Fabio's Play­haus
Dadgad Hire Me
Max Mu­cus Time is Scary
White Knuck­le Split Tongue Slip
Ny­lon PC Vi­o­lence
Ad­he­sive Hy­per­link
Plumbob Plumb­ing Song For Gel to Sing
Pack Rat Par­a­site City
Ri­fle Marked Man
Lovebite Bum­ming
Top Dol­lar No Ex­it
Necron 9 8 Ball

Yobs For­tune Teller
The Bad Plug I Know My Chick­ens
The X’d Go Away
Rudix Ni Pen­sar
Wal­do Fal­do Año 2033
Com­bat Tribes Un­der­tak­er
Ghost Beef Mole­man In­va­sion
Why Both­er? What's Wrong With Me?
Les Aranyes Lle­fis­cosi­tat
Pow­er Pants New World
The Wind Ups Noth­ing But Time
Death Par­ty Dead To Me
Cit­ric Dum­mies Drugs in the Snow
Erik Ner­vous Al­li­ga­tor Fac­ing East

Blues Lawyer Have Nots
Glas Nost Nar­cis­sist
Any­time Cow­boy Count­ing Feath­ers
Pri­vate Life Keep It Movin'
Genre Rewired
Lug­gage Nowhere
Ar­se Ka­putt.
Day­dream Pa­tron Saint

Pedi­gree Run­away
Pyrex Struck Down
TV Cult Emp­ty Quar­ter
Gy­rate Col­li­sion
Drunk Meat Pic à glace
Home Front Na­tion
The Serfs The Dice Man Will Be­come
The Va­cant Lots Scars

Ismatic Guru - Mind Fever

III re­leas­es No­vem­ber 16th via Swim­ming Faith Records.

Buice - ADHD

One Day You​’​ll See The Sun re­leas­es De­cem­ber 1st via Fa­mil­iar Face Records.

TV Cult - Empty Quarter

Colony re­leas­es No­vem­ber 24th via Flight 13 Records.