This Port­land Group's third full length fur­ther re­fines their ex­plo­sive for­mu­la of se­ri­ous­ly noise- and slight­ly garage-in­fused post­core in­to their most re­al­ized and elab­o­rate ef­fort do date, their hy­per­ac­tive vi­sion of struc­tured chaos con­stant­ly shapeshift­ing and throw­ing curve­balls all the way, lead­ing in­to all kinds of in­ter­est­ing ma­neu­vers. Al­though no two songs are too much alike on here, the most fre­quent­ly ap­plic­a­ble com­par­isons i can come up with are groups such as the var­i­ous in­car­na­tions of New York's Ka­le­o­doscope, ear­ly Bad Breeed­ing, Acrylics and, in some parts, Cri­sis Man, ear­ly Video and As­cot Stab­ber.