Damn, it ap­pears for some weird rea­son i've skipped post­ing about all pre­vi­ous re­leas­es of this Min­neapo­lis group here, beg­ging the ques­tion of what the fuck has been wrong with me all the time. While i'm con­sult­ing my ther­a­pist about that, lemme just say that this newest Cit­ric Dum­mies LP is a per­fect knock­out punch of ear­ly '80s-in­flu­enced-old­school-en­er­gy-meets-con­tem­po­rary-garage-punk good­ness pack­ing an ex­tra punch due to the al­ways ex­cel­lent pro­duc­tion du­ties of garage prodi­gy Erik Ner­vous, of whom we're gonna hear again this week. While the Hüsker Dü-ref­er­enc­ing ti­tle and art­work feel kin­da goofy at first glance, they're al­so not en­tire­ly out of place as these songs con­jure up a fury not en­tire­ly dis­sim­i­lar to the Dü in their prime but sim­i­lar things could be said of ear­ly Naked Ray­gun, Ado­les­cents, an oc­ca­sion­al hint of Bad Brains or a touch of Dick­ies in their catchi­est mo­ments. Every fuck­ing song on here is a sim­ple and pre­cise, pre­med­i­tat­ed hit in the guts, their in­cred­i­ble song wiz­ardry nev­er fail­ing to land even once.