USA Nails - Feel Worse

Feel Worse re­leas­es March 22nd via One Lit­tle In­de­pen­dent Records.

Secretors - Comparing Missile Size

Com­par­ing Mis­sile Size Vol. 1 re­leas­es No­vem­ber 17th via Roach Leg Records.

Wet Dip - Rollercoaster

Smell Of Mon­ey re­leas­es No­vem­ber 10th via Feel It Records.

Arse - Kaputt

Glas Nost - Narcissist

The Wind Ups - Happy Like This

The sec­ond LP of this Chico, Cal­i­for­nia based group led by Jake Sprech­er (of Smoke­screens, Bee­hive and Ter­ry Malts fame) picks the strands right up where they were left off on their amaz­ing 2021 de­but al­bum Try Not To Think, which is to say: More of their ir­re­sistibly catchy blend of noise- and pow­er pop, garage- and fuzz punk mak­ing for yet an­oth­er high-oc­tane bub­blegum pop spec­ta­cle whose im­pec­ca­ble song­writ­ing prowess nev­er floun­ders even for a sec­ond!

Al­bum-Stream →

Anytime Cowboy - Demons Obey

Over the past two years, Port­land la­bel Spared Flesh Records has proven it­self a re­al pow­er­house of weird and off­beat nois­es in the realm of post-, garage- and art punk and this new LP by Reuben Sawyer aka Any­time Cow­boy is yet an­oth­er rough gem to be­hold. His blue­sey low-key cow­punk sound comes across kin­da like an in­car­na­tion of ear­ly Gun Club in­cred­i­bly mind­ful of not wak­ing the neigh­bors or a su­per-mut­ed ver­sion of Par­quet Courts, Tyvek, while in parts al­so not en­tire­ly dis­sim­i­lar to that re­cent Peace de Ré­sis­tance al­bum. It's a sound­scape that could soft­ly lull you to sleep if it weren't for that per­va­sive sense of un­speak­able abysses lurk­ing just around any cor­ner now, with Sawyers calm deep voice fur­ther adding to the music's quite un­can­ny yet weird­ly com­fort­ing qual­i­ties.

Al­bum-Stream →

Alien Nosejob - The Derivative Sounds of​.​.​. Or​.​.​. A Dog Always Returns to its Vomit

Is that ti­tle meant to be un­der­stood as a 13th Floor El­e­va­tors ref­er­ence? If so, it kin­da fits (plus a ton of Kinks in here as well, i'd say…) as this LP marks the clos­est the eclec­tic project of Jake Robert­son (Aus­muteants, Smarts, Drug Sweat, etc…) has ever ap­proached clas­sic '60s garage rock ter­ri­to­ry - a propo­si­tion that could eas­i­ly turn out a re­cip­ie for pure bore­dom in the hands of less­er mu­si­cians, but damn… this dude sim­ply knows how to con­struct and car­ry a catchy tune. Add to the mix lots of an­cient pow­er pop of on­ly the sad­dest kind and you get an LP that will sure­ly turn out a bit dif­fi­cult to swal­low for some fans of his broad­er work, yet al­so doesn't seem too out-of-place if you're fa­mil­iar with the breadth of pre­vi­ous Alien Nose­job re­leas­es, as Robert­son has al­ready dab­bled in sim­i­lar fare on al­bums such as Var­i­ous Fads and Tech­no­log­i­cal Achieve­ments (2018) and Sud­den­ly Every­thing Is Twice As Loud (2020), al­though here he fi­nal­ly goes all-in on this over­whelm­ing sense of doom, an all-de­vour­ing black cloud of deep melan­cho­lia.

Al­bum-Stream →

Pedigree - Run Away

Pedi­gree of Tour­nai, Bel­gium fol­low up their ex­cel­lent 2020 mi­ni-LP with an­oth­er strong batch of tunes, con­tin­u­ing the trend of their orig­i­nal­ly more garage-lean­ing sound grad­u­al­ly mov­ing in­to more of a post punk di­rec­tion and even some flash­es of '90s post­core can be gleamed in songs such as Trapped, S.A.D. and Bread, call­ing to mind bits and pieces of Jaw­box, Dri­ve Like Je­hu, Pol­vo and Hot Snakes. Dis­graced, on the oth­er hand, has more of a melod­ic sen­si­bil­i­ty right out of the Vaguess, Bad Sports or Mo­tor­bike play­book. And over­all, my pre­vi­ous com­par­isons to french groups á la Telecult, Night­watch­ers still hold true, as well as a bunch of in­ter­na­tion­al acts like Sauna Youth, Teenanger, Video, or Clamm.

Al­bum-Stream →