Achterlicht - Demo II

De­mo num­ber two of this Haar­lem, Nether­lands group seam­less­ly car­ries on with the fun and ex­cite­ment of its pre­de­ces­sor in the form of no-frills catchy, sim­ple and ef­fec­tive garage- and synth punk smash­ers sure to please friends pri­mar­i­ly of oth­er eu­ro acts á la Dadar, Shit­ty Life and Mi­traille.

Al­bum-Stream →

Gremlin - Same Fate /​ Bliss

Fol­low­ing their still fresh, sen­sa­tion­al de­but EP, this new 2-track dig­i­tal sin­gle of Cincinnati's Grem­lins can do no wrong ei­ther, Same Fate be­ing a snap­py and per­fect­ly eco­nom­i­cal garage punk dit­ty while Bliss once again taps in­to their more psych-in­fused melod­ic sen­si­bil­i­ties with some dis­tinct hints of Ra­dioac­tiv­i­ty, Ex-Gold or Bad Sports.

The Chisel - Fuck 'Em

What A Fuck­ing Night­mare re­leas­es Feb­ru­ary 9th via Pure Noise Records.

Tiger! Shit! Tiger! Tiger! - Stones

B.L.O.O.M. re­leas­es in Feb­ru­ary via To Lose La Track Records & Coy­pu Records.

Dead Years - Pictures of my Death

Night Thoughts re­leas­es Feb­ru­ary 2nd via Dirt Cult Records.

Happy Body - Plastic Lovers

Hap­py Body re­leas­es De­cem­ber 20th via Spared Flesh Records.

Gut Health - Runaway High

Verspannungskassette #66 (C-60)

Blood Cook­ie For­est Witch
Ad­he­sive Stayin Busy
Snoop­er Com­pa­ny Car
Para­noias Soft Sci­ence
The Ab­do Men It's Been A Bad Week
No Stones Pen­chant (An­i­mals)
La Lla­ma Amor y Muerte
Speed Plans Every­body Got­ta Die
Sun Chil­dren Sun Sword Of Jus­tice

Lam­ic­tal Why Am I Like This??
Is­mat­ic Gu­ru Mind Fever
Bust­ed Head Rack­et & Bil­liam Bauble Break
Midgee Para­noia
Red Her­rings Red Her­rings
Tyvek Go­ing Through My Things
The Judges Who's Your God To­day?
Grem­lin Null Fu­ture
Dion Lu­nadon Se­crets

Yard­boss No Cas­ket
Noj No Room Cut To Fit
Dizzy Daze Fad­ed
Soft Shoul­der March­ing Farm A
Lux­u­ry Apart­ments En­er­gy
Cel Ray Schmooze Fest

Skl­i­tak­ling Skit­ten fet­ter
TV Cult Crys­tal Cave
Bleak­ness Words
Gri­saille Blessures
Be­ta Máx­i­mo. Cielo gris
Dis­creet Charms Mo

Sklitakling - Sklitakling

Fol­low­ing a thor­ough­ly en­tic­ing de­but EP last year, Bergen, Nor­way group Skl­i­tak­ling present an even stronger first LP, re­tain­ing the strum­my, quirky charm of the de­but while ex­pand­ing and branch­ing out styl­is­ti­cal­ly. Their song­writ­ing has won a lot of con­tour since then, their idio­syn­crat­ic arrange­ments com­ing across much crisper now. De­spite their nor­we­gian ori­gin, i can't help but feel re­mind­ed of the dan­ish scene of the past decade - the Copen­hagen ap­proach to post punk you might say - with the likes of Iceage, Melt­ing Walk­men, Spines and, just re­cent­ly, Pleas­er com­ing to mind at var­i­ous points as hav­ing a sim­i­lar sense of melan­choly and melody. In ad­di­tion, there's a dis­tinct cow­punk vibe at play here, kin­da like an LSD-soaked ear­ly Angst, Gun Club and, es­pe­cial­ly, the more re­cent hal­lu­cino­genic ex­is­ten­tial night­mare of Mur­der­er.

Al­bum-Stream →

Sun Children Sun - Bizarre Feverre

The lat­est LP by this Tokyo group, orig­i­nal­ly re­leased last year in Japan and now be­ing reis­sued by Bal­ti­more, Mary­land la­bel SPHC Records, kicks things off with not just one, but two max­i­mal­ly corny faux-or­ches­tral in­tros seagu­ing in­to a cheesy faux-met­al pas­tiche as if hell­bent on one-up­ping any of the re­cent dun­geon punk de­vel­op­ments. Then, the ac­tu­al fun starts in the form of equal­ly ba­sic but all the same un­pre­dictable and in­ven­tive hard­core punk bursts, the afore­men­tioned tongue-in-cheek dungeon/​metal flour­ish­es be­ing coun­ter­bal­anced by a free­wheel­ing cre­ative spir­it rem­i­nis­cent of, among oth­er things, ear­ly Crass! There's no use ar­gu­ing with this kind of in­san­i­ty, just em­brace the weird and en­joy the wild ride.

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