Sklitakling - Sklitakling

Fol­low­ing a thor­ough­ly en­tic­ing de­but EP last year, Bergen, Nor­way group Skl­i­tak­ling present an even stronger first LP, re­tain­ing the strum­my, quirky charm of the de­but while ex­pand­ing and branch­ing out styl­is­ti­cal­ly. Their song­writ­ing has won a lot of con­tour since then, their idio­syn­crat­ic arrange­ments com­ing across much crisper now. De­spite their nor­we­gian ori­gin, i can't help but feel re­mind­ed of the dan­ish scene of the past decade - the Copen­hagen ap­proach to post punk you might say - with the likes of Iceage, Melt­ing Walk­men, Spines and, just re­cent­ly, Pleas­er com­ing to mind at var­i­ous points as hav­ing a sim­i­lar sense of melan­choly and melody. In ad­di­tion, there's a dis­tinct cow­punk vibe at play here, kin­da like an LSD-soaked ear­ly Angst, Gun Club and, es­pe­cial­ly, the more re­cent hal­lu­cino­genic ex­is­ten­tial night­mare of Mur­der­er.

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Anytime Cowboy - Demons Obey

Over the past two years, Port­land la­bel Spared Flesh Records has proven it­self a re­al pow­er­house of weird and off­beat nois­es in the realm of post-, garage- and art punk and this new LP by Reuben Sawyer aka Any­time Cow­boy is yet an­oth­er rough gem to be­hold. His blue­sey low-key cow­punk sound comes across kin­da like an in­car­na­tion of ear­ly Gun Club in­cred­i­bly mind­ful of not wak­ing the neigh­bors or a su­per-mut­ed ver­sion of Par­quet Courts, Tyvek, while in parts al­so not en­tire­ly dis­sim­i­lar to that re­cent Peace de Ré­sis­tance al­bum. It's a sound­scape that could soft­ly lull you to sleep if it weren't for that per­va­sive sense of un­speak­able abysses lurk­ing just around any cor­ner now, with Sawyers calm deep voice fur­ther adding to the music's quite un­can­ny yet weird­ly com­fort­ing qual­i­ties.

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Snarling Dogs - Demo

This group from Pitts­burgh, Penn­syl­va­nia pulls off a vague­ly fa­mil­iar but nonethe­less spec­tac­u­lar com­bus­tion of catchy old­school hard­core en­er­gy with some cow­punk vibes to it, op­er­at­ing some­where in­be­tween the rough pa­ra­me­ters of Germs, Dicks, the ear­ly hard­core in­car­na­tions of Angst and Meat Pup­pets, as well as more re­cent stuff like Fried E/​m and Mod­ern Needs.

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Cruelhouse - Four Fuckoff Singles

New garage punk may­hem set on fire by a Greens­boro, North Car­oli­na group. The EP starts off with a strong cow­punk vibe rem­i­nis­cent of shit like De­odor­ant, Spodee Boy, Op­tic Nerve… al­so Leche and Mur­der­er, maybe? Sub­se­quent songs then set­tle in­to a more con­ven­tion­al but no less ex­cit­ing garage punk di­rec­tion pro­vok­ing com­par­isons to kick­ass groups of the Cutie, Erik Ner­vous and Sick Thoughts brack­et.

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Spodee Boy - Neon Lights

These Nashville garage punks' lat­est EP con­tin­ues the strong cow­punk vibes that took cen­ter stage rough­ly since their Rides Again EP, this time mak­ing a much stronger case for their vi­sion though, thanks to a much im­proved song sub­stance and a su­per tight per­for­mance, which ain't all that sur­pris­ing once you learn that at least in their cur­rent in­car­na­tion, these ap­pear to be the ex­act same dudes oth­er­wise known as Safe­ty Net. The two mid­dle tracks Barn Burn­er and The Plan then again have a bit of a Flat Worms or - quite fit­ting­ly - The Cow­boy feel to them.

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