Mystic Inane - Natural Beauty

Man, it's been at least half a decade since i last heard of this New Or­leans group. How­ev­er un­ex­pect­ed the re­lease of their new 7" might come, their blend of garage- & post punk, hard- & post­core cer­tain­ly sounds as fresh and en­er­getic as ever on this one, fit­ting in nice­ly with more re­cent groups in the vein of Launch­er, Liq­uid As­sets or Fried E/​M.

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Daydream - Mystic Operative

With their sec­ond long­play­er, Port­land punks Day­dream set off eleven new blasts of care­ful­ly con­trolled chaos, imag­i­na­tive and un­pre­dictable as ever and with quite a bit of fine-tun­ing to their very own any­thing-goes brand of slight­ly garage-fla­vored post­core, which might draw com­par­isons to groups such as Kalei­do­scope, Bad Breed­ing… even a very slight hint of Dri­ve Like Je­hu, maybe?

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Fugitive Bubble - Fugitive Bubble /​/​ C-Krit - C-Krit

Im­po­tent Fe­tus, the mar­vel­lous new-ish cas­sette sub­la­bel of the equal­ly fan­tas­tic Stuc­co em­pire, has al­ready brought quite a bit of joy to the world re­cent­ly with that Sep­tic Yanks tape. In the mean­time, they've al­ready re­leased two new pud­dles of noise to bathe in, made by two groups of un­known where­abouts, eas­i­ly up­hold­ing the high qual­i­ty stan­dards.
Fugi­tive Bub­ble cre­ate a de­light­ful and in­ven­tive mess of fuzzed out hard-, noise- and weird­core, at times re­mind­ing me of Das Drip, Warm Bod­ies, Vexx, the ear­ly out­put of NAG or Kalei­do­scope.
C-Krit, on the oth­er hand, sound a lot like a dis­fig­ured cross­breed be­tween Soup­cans, No Trend and Lumpy & The Dumpers. Al­so, their fucked up ren­di­tion of the Scream­ing Sneak­ers ever­green Vi­o­lent Days is pure gold.

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Kaleidoscope - Decolonization /​/​ Straw Man Army - Age Of Exile

Two noisy new ar­ti­facts brought to us by New York's ex­quis­ite D4MT la­bel. First, there's a new ex­tend­ed play by hard-/post­core pow­er­house Kalei­do­scope on which their sound comes across a tiny bit more more sim­pli­fied and straight­for­ward than on last year's killer de­but LP, yet as in­spired, play­ful and in­ven­tive as ever.
Sim­i­lar things can be said about the de­but al­bum of Straw Man Army, a duo i can't find much in­for­ma­tion on, but at a quick glance they seem to con­sist of none oth­er than Kaleidoscope's drum­mer boy and some oth­er dude. Just as you'd ex­pect, this is an­oth­er quite ad­ven­tur­ous ride through the realms of dark post punk both clas­sic and con­tem­po­rary, some­times bor­der­ing on Crass-style min­i­mal­ism, Wipers-es­que melan­cho­lia while al­so re­mind­ing me of more re­cent ec­cen­tric­i­ties by the likes of Mur­der­er or Wymyns Prysyn.

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The Unfit - The Unfit

This Seat­tle group has been around for quite a few years now, but it took them just as long to come up with their de­but LP. Thus, it's no re­al sur­prise this thing sounds rather ma­ture for a de­but record, with a firm grip on this par­tic­u­lar sub­genre some­where be­tween the garage-lean­ing zones of the post­core spec­trum and some con­tem­po­rary noise rock - right in the neigh­bor­hood of bands like ear­ly Video, Hot Snakes, As­cot Stab­ber, Da­vid­i­ans or Flow­ers Of Evil.

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Other Half - Big Twenty

Yet an­oth­er post­core LP by yet an­oth­er UK group, this time of the more con­ven­tion­al yet thor­ough­ly con­vinc­ing va­ri­ety. Think of a mix of old guard sta­ples like Jaw­box, Dri­ve Like Je­hu, Hot Snakes… while of the new school, Bench Press, Stuck or USA Nails might come come to mind.

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Shifting - It Was Good

Hav­ing on­ly re­leased one 7" be­fore, the ma­tu­ri­ty of this Dublin group's de­but al­bum is quite stun­ning - noth­ing less than a ful­ly re­al­ized, ver­sa­tile and in­ven­tive take on Noise Rock, Post­core and Math Rock clear­ly tak­ing some cues from clas­sic 90's and ear­ly 00's acts like Un­wound, Bas­tro, Chavez, Fro­dus, some ear­ly Shel­lac, while still stand­ing on its own two feet. In the cur­rent genre land­scape, Mul­ti­c­ult might al­so be a some­what use­ful com­par­i­son.

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Girls In Synthesis - Now Here's An Echo From Your Future

Af­ter re­leas­ing a true shit­load of EPs over the past few years and their sound show­ing a steady in­crease in ma­tu­ri­ty, it's re­al­ly no sur­prise that their de­but al­bum comes across as the most ac­com­plished batch of songs by this Lon­don group yet, their very own for­mu­la made up of post punk, noise rock and post­core el­e­ments fine-tuned and en­gi­neered in­to a smooth­ly run­ning, high pre­ci­sion ma­chine while still oc­ca­sion­aly ex­pand­ing their mu­si­cal vo­cab­u­lary - like some Wire-meet-Big Black-isms in Set Up To Fail for ex­am­ple or the bleak doom­scapes á la ear­ly Uni­form in Hu­man Frailty.

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Help - 2053

Their de­but EP a year ago al­ready was an ex­cel­lent rack­et, but what this group from Port­land (i think) pulls off on their new full length is just plain awe­some, a punchy as fuck piece of noise rock/​postcore bliss of the high­est cal­iber. Re­gard­ing their sound, they're cer­tain­ly root­ed in the present day, re­mind­ing me of acts like Tu­nic, Death Pan­els, John (timest­wo), USA Nails, Girls In Syn­the­sis. Athough this record doesn't ex­act­ly break new ground, as a genre piece - helped by every song hav­ing an elab­o­rate and ro­bust com­po­si­tion at its core - it suc­ceeds at every step along the way. A per­fect mael­strom of propul­sive rhythms, wicked bass grooves, in­fer­nal noise erup­tions and - as they al­ready show­cased ear­ly on their EP - a wise­ly mea­sured and thus ex­tra ef­fec­tive sense of melody, well ca­pa­ble of el­e­vat­ing all that dra­ma to the next lev­el.

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Tom Lyngcoln - Raging Head

An stun­ning sec­ond so­lo ef­fort by some dude who sim­ply knows what he's do­ing, hav­ing so far played in noise rock and post­core groups Pale Heads, The Na­tion Blue as well as the more folk lean­ing Lee Memo­r­i­al and Har­mo­ny, among oth­ers. This record strong­ly veers to­ward the loud­er side of his discog­ra­phy while still adding a few new in­gre­di­ents to the mix, cov­er­ing a quite im­pres­sive spec­trum in­clud­ing malan­choly Wipers-es­que post punk with hints of Red Dons or Ner­vosas, post­core of the rather melod­ic va­ri­ety rem­i­nis­cent, to vary­ing de­grees, of Meat Wave, Bloody Gears, Hot Snakes as well as some breath­less garage en­er­gy á la Jack­son Reid Brig­gs & The Heaters. Tons worth of larg­er than life dra­ma, the songs to pull it of and a per­for­mance pow­er­ful enough to make you be­lieve every sin­gle note.

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