Their de­but EP a year ago al­ready was an ex­cel­lent rack­et, but what this group from Port­land (i think) pulls off on their new full length is just plain awe­some, a punchy as fuck piece of noise rock/​postcore bliss of the high­est cal­iber. Re­gard­ing their sound, they're cer­tain­ly root­ed in the present day, re­mind­ing me of acts like Tu­nic, Death Pan­els, John (timest­wo), USA Nails, Girls In Syn­the­sis. Athough this record doesn't ex­act­ly break new ground, as a genre piece - helped by every song hav­ing an elab­o­rate and ro­bust com­po­si­tion at its core - it suc­ceeds at every step along the way. A per­fect mael­strom of propul­sive rhythms, wicked bass grooves, in­fer­nal noise erup­tions and - as they al­ready show­cased ear­ly on their EP - a wise­ly mea­sured and thus ex­tra ef­fec­tive sense of melody, well ca­pa­ble of el­e­vat­ing all that dra­ma to the next lev­el.