Last Quokka & False Cobra - The West Ghost Split

Plen­ty of good­ness on this split 7" by two aus­tralian bands. Last Quokka's side show­cas­es some of their best ma­te­r­i­al to date and their fa­mil­iar, heav­i­ly garage-boost­ed post­core sound with traces of Hot Snakes and ear­ly Jaw­box, as well as more re­cent groups like Video, Bad Breed­ing and As­cot Stab­ber.

This marks the first time i hear about False Co­bra. Some of the above com­par­isons may al­so ap­ply to their songs, though over­all they lean a lot heav­ier in­to the garage and clas­sic punk side of things, hav­ing a bit of a Ruts or X (L.A.) vibe and al­so some vague sim­i­nar­i­ty to The Liv­ing Eyes, Mi­ni Skirt or ear­ly Teenanger.

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Dollhouse - The First Day Of Spring

Dollhouse's 2019 de­mo al­ready was a thor­ough­ly re­spectable blast of for­ward-think­ing noise and even more so is their new EP that came out re­cent­ly via Tox­ic State Records, thanks to a com­par­a­tive­ly slick pro­duc­tion putting their sound em­a­nat­ing from a gray area be­tween mod­ern hard­core, post punk and post­core in just the right light, bal­anc­ing abra­sive scuzz with sheer force. The whole thing calls to mind a re­fresh­ing­ly di­verse clus­ter of groups like Mys­tic Inane, Hot Snakes, Wymyns Prysyn, Launch­er, Ce­ment Shoes or Liq­uid As­sets.

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Big Jar of Mayo - Big Jar of Mayo

More qual­i­ty shit cour­te­sey of Deluxe Bias. This ab­surd­ly short cass­in­gle of noise in the realm of KBD-in­formed weird­core, garage- and post punk will sure be a de­light to folks who've al­ready de­vel­oped a huge bon­er for Mys­tic Inane, Rolex or Fried E/​M.

Trigger Cut - Rogo

On their sec­ond LP, noise rock/​postcore trio Trig­ger Cut con­sid­er­ably raise the en­er­gy lev­el with­out sac­ri­fic­ing much of the pre­ci­sion work, so­phis­ti­cat­ed struc­tures and arrange­ments we've al­ready wit­nessed on their de­but al­bum. Es­pe­cial­ly in the first half there are some se­ri­ous Jaw­box and Bas­tro vibes go­ing on. In the past i'd have told you that Ralf Schaarschmidt's cur­rent and past bands are among the very best the ger­man noise rock scene has to of­fer but hon­est­ly, at this point, even world­wide there aren't that many groups op­er­at­ing at their lev­el.

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Nick Cage - Lost Cause

Man, this has been a lame week as far as new mu­sic is con­cerned. I don't wan­na with­hold from you one stand­out re­lease though, this lit­tle gem op­er­at­ing right in the mid­dle be­tween garage punk, hard- and post­core - kin­da like a mix be­tween Fried E/​M, Mod­ern Needs, Mys­tic Inane… with a spoon­ful of Dri­ve Like Je­hu thrown in at the right mo­ments.

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Expert - Phylaxis

Ex­cel­lent post punk of the mod­er­ate­ly dark va­ri­ety with some traces of post­core, math- and noise rock is what we get on this aus­tralian group's first EP, kin­da like a Fu­sion of B-Boys, Girls In Syn­the­sis and Rank/​Xerox… but al­so not en­tire­ly dis­sim­i­lar to stuff like Video, Pub­lic Eye, Tu­nic or The Es­tranged.

Nopes - Djörk

Third long­play­er by this Oak­land group and of course it's some pret­ty amaz­ing shit once again. I still find it kin­da hard to be­lieve how what start­ed out as sort of a Hüsker Dü sounda­like has de­vel­oped in­to one of the most pow­er­ful, orig­i­nal and in­stant­ly re­gog­niz­able bands of re­cent years, ef­fort­less­ly chan­nel­ing the raw en­er­gies of hard- & post­core, noise rock and garage punk in­to a row­dy, un­pre­dictable force.

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Broken Vessels - Do You See My Smile?

Bro­ken Ves­sels are a group from San­ta Ana, Cal­i­for­nia fea­tur­ing mem­bers of Grim­ly Form­ing and Rolex (whose in­cred­i­ble de­but al­bum/­com­pi­la­tion/re-record­ing thingy i didn't post here as far as i re­mem­ber, so give that one a spin if you haven't yet). Their de­but EP sounds a lot like a some­what dumb­ed down ver­sion of Rolex, while Mys­tic Inane comes to mind as an­oth­er valid and whol­ly flat­ter­ing com­par­i­son.

Mystic Inane - Natural Beauty

Man, it's been at least half a decade since i last heard of this New Or­leans group. How­ev­er un­ex­pect­ed the re­lease of their new 7" might come, their blend of garage- & post punk, hard- & post­core cer­tain­ly sounds as fresh and en­er­getic as ever on this one, fit­ting in nice­ly with more re­cent groups in the vein of Launch­er, Liq­uid As­sets or Fried E/​M.

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Daydream - Mystic Operative

With their sec­ond long­play­er, Port­land punks Day­dream set off eleven new blasts of care­ful­ly con­trolled chaos, imag­i­na­tive and un­pre­dictable as ever and with quite a bit of fine-tun­ing to their very own any­thing-goes brand of slight­ly garage-fla­vored post­core, which might draw com­par­isons to groups such as Kalei­do­scope, Bad Breed­ing… even a very slight hint of Dri­ve Like Je­hu, maybe?

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