Warp - Traffic Control

Warp hail from San Fran­cis­co and have mem­bers of - among oth­ers - Flesh World and Blank Square among their line­up. Their de­but al­bum is al­ready kick­ing butts in a ful­ly con­vinc­ing fash­ion and de­liv­ers an adorably ex­cen­tric sound rough­ly in the realm of fuzz- & garage punk, hard- & post­core which comes across just as un­pol­ished as it's in­ven­tive. The whole thing is some­what rem­i­nis­cent of bands like Vexx or Dots, as well as the oc­ca­sion­al faint echo of Sur­fa Rosa-era Pix­ies. Qual­i­ty stuff!

Al­bum-Stream →