Insane Urge - My America

This group's sec­ond cas­sette on Im­po­tent Fe­tus or Down South Tapes or what­ev­er it's called this week, con­sid­er­ably one-ups their pre­vi­ous one in terms of undi­lut­ed fury while car­ry­ing across all the traits we've come to ex­pect from that label's out­put - rough and grimy as fuck yet un­ex­pect­ed­ly catchy at the same time. A per­fect storm of garage- and KBD-in­fest­ed hard­core prim­i­tivism.

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Gym Tonic - Sanitary Situations

A good four years af­ter an in­sane­ly en­joy­able de­but LP of this Berlin group, we fi­nal­ly get an­oth­er taste of the same, fair­ly quirky yet ex­pert­ly pro­pelled synth-, garage- and post punk good­ness sure to de­light ad­mir­ers of stuff in the vein of, say, Bel­ly Jel­ly, Puff, Dum­my, Aus­muteants, Quit­ter, Liq­uid Lunch, Ghoulies, Diode or Spot­ting.

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Satanic Togas - Digital World

You know what to ex­pect by now! Sa­tan­ic To­gas nev­er fail to amaze with their catchy, com­pact garage punk smash­ers. If Gee Tee is kind of the flower child among Ish­ka Ed­meades nu­mer­ous groups and projects, Sa­tan­ic To­gas kin­da rep­re­sent the sleazy and hard rock­ing coun­ter­bal­ance to that fluffy pow­er­pop in­no­cense, de­liv­er­ing a bot­tom­less wealth of catchy hooks and tunes all the same.

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Hevrat Ha'Hashmal - 2+1

Five min­utes of de­light­ful nois­es and struc­tured chaos crammed in­to dense lit­tle tunes by an is­raeli group. Equal­ly pun­ish­ing, quirky and eclec­tic shit right in the sweet spot over­lap­ping post punk, noise rock and garage punk - a free­wheel­ing any­thing-goes spir­it re­mind­ing me of a bunch of groups such as Big Bop­per, Brandy, Pat­ti, Re­al­i­ty Group or Cutie.

Aborted Tortoise & Ghoulies - EuroTour Split

This is in­deed a tour i'm pret­ty psy­ched about al­ready! This new split 7" on Good­bye Boozy Records presents the two Perth groups at their finest as Abort­ed Tor­toise make your legs shake with their patent­ed con­structs of smar­ty­pants garage punk á la Ura­ni­um Club, Pinch Points, Dumb, Vin­tage Crop and the like. Ghoulies then fol­low up with two strong and catchy garage-/egg-/synth punk tunes rough­ly in the Re­search Re­ac­tor Corp, Cher­ry Cheeks, Set-Top Box, Alien Nose­job or Sa­tan­ic To­gas fash­ion.

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Piss Shivers - Piss Shivers

A bril­liant new re­lease brought to us by Gim­mie Records, the record la­bel ex­ten­sion of the fab­u­lous Gimme Gim­mie Gim­mie blog-/zine em­pire. Piss Shiv­ers are a Bris­bane duo whose de­but LP kicks up a high­ly flam­ma­ble fuss lo­cat­ed vague­ly in­side the Garage-, Post Punk and Post­core co­or­di­nates, some­times re­mind­ing me of a Cri­sis Man-meet-Hot Snakes hy­brid while at oth­er points you might be re­mind­ed of ear­ly Teenanger, the pitch-black post­core dystopias of Video, VHS or the fu­ri­ous anger of Wymyns Prysyn. Fur­ther i'm re­call­ing the likes of Xe­tas, Gaffer, As­cot Stab­ber and Bat­piss… maybe a bit of Zhoop/​Djinn/​Feed en­er­gy aswell in the more prim­i­tive, straight­for­ward mo­ments.

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Noise Violations & Sprgrs - Split

Aus­tralian la­bel Painscale Records de­liv­ers its strongest en­try so far in a se­ries of split cas­settes. Main at­trac­tion here is clear­ly the longer side com­pris­ing the de­but batch of Mel­bourne group Noise Vi­o­la­tions, who set ablaze an ir­re­sistible bar­rage of catchy hooks in a slight­ly egg-ad­ja­cent brand of garage punk with echoes of well-renowned genre pow­er­hous­es such as Sa­tan­ic To­gas, R.M.F.C., Ghoulies, Boo­ji Boys, Met­al Gu­ru, Erik Ner­vous or Gee Tee, to name just a few.
The oth­er side then con­tains the pre­vi­ous­ly re­leased 2022 EP by Grana­da, Spain group Sprgrs, which is well worth an­oth­er lis­ten for fans of dance­able Lo-Fi punk stuff in the vein of, say, Prison Af­fair, Beer, Nuts, Pringue, Dee Bee Rich and Be­ta Max­i­mo.

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M.O.T.O. - The Wall of Phlegm

What a god­damn beau­ty! Paul Ca­por­i­no of cult garage punk /​ pow­er pop vet­er­an project M.O.T.O. at long last has com­piled a new set of beau­ti­ful­ly fuzzy record­ings in the well-worn 4-track so­lo fash­ion, kick­ing things off with a fuckin' Motör­head cov­er of all things and sub­se­quent­ly pulling off what must be his most high-val­ue, hook-laden set of tunes in a long time, noth­ing short of a new lo-fi pop mas­ter­piece if you ask me. Many songs have al­ready ap­peard on one oc­ca­sion or an­oth­er but hon­est­ly, who cares re­al­ly as this thing kin­da plays out like an all-killer-no-filler best of from his re­cent decade-plus of cre­ative out­put, pre­sent­ed in uniqe, un­heard record­ings.

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G.U.N. - G.U.N.

I hadn't heard from these Nashville folks for a long time af­ter their promis­ing de­mo in 2019. Well, they're back now and their sound's more fu­ri­ous than ever, brew­ing up a per­fect storm of garage-in­fused hard­core punk with hints of, say, Acrylics, ear­ly Elec­tric Chair, Launch­er, Liq­uid As­sets, Mys­tic Inane, Ce­ment Shoes and Cri­sis Man be­ing just a few of the things that pop in­to my head at first glance.

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Balloon Thief - Balloon Thief

Fol­low­ing up on a neat first EP from last year, this Prov­i­dence, Rhode Is­land group's sec­ond batch of tunes is a marked re­fine­ment in pret­ty much every as­pect, their mix of garage punk and pow­er pop hav­ing reached a whole new lev­el of catchy­ness that al­so wouldn't sound out of place next to shit like Sweet Reaper, Pow­er Pants, Gee Tee, Alien Nose­job, Set-Top Box or Sa­tan­ic To­gas.

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