Gee Tee - Prehistoric Chrome

The Syd­ney garage-/eg­g­punk powerhouse's newest record is ac­tu­al­ly more of a col­lec­tion of scraps, demos, odds and ends left on the cut­ting room floor over the years but… damn! If this shit here rep­re­sents Gee Tee's b-ma­te­r­i­al, i'm glad­ly gonna eat up what­ev­er c-list shit they've got lin­ger­ing in the archives too. This is a bril­liant record from start to fin­ish and manda­to­ry lis­ten­ing for any dis­cern­ing con­nois­seur of catchy good­ness in the realms of garage punk, fuzz- and pow­er pop, all killer no filler!

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Vacation - Rare Earth

Cincin­nati group Va­ca­tion re­main a rare zeit­geist-de­fy­ing gem, once again de­liv­er­ing a bril­liant new batch of bangers equal­ly catchy and propul­sive, to be lo­cat­ed in the rough ball­park of Pow­er Pop, Garage Punk, Noise Pop and old­school melod­ic In­die Rock, brim­ming with a per­va­sive sense of joy and eu­pho­ria in the face of rough times ahead while nev­er miss­ing the mark thanks to their re­mark­able skill in craft­ing sim­ple but ef­fec­tive, per­fect­ly bal­anced and to-the-point lit­tle tunes they then like to blow up to larg­er-than-life cin­e­mas­cope pro­por­tions.

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Fen Fen - National Threat

This De­troit group made quite a bit of a splash al­ready with a strong EP in 2022 and now they're throw­ing an even bet­ter LP at us, once again com­bin­ing a bit of lo­cal (pro­to-) punk his­to­ry with flavours of garage punk, hard- and post­core, call­ing to mind a bit of Ner­vosas in Amer­i­can Lies and Doll­house in Kill Your Par­ents, while oth­er­wise play­ing out a bit like a good cross-sec­tion of a bunch of garage/hard­core-hy­brid groups like the some­what more garage-lean­ing, KBD-in­flu­enced stylings of Launch­er, Frea­kees, Liq­uid As­sets and Mys­tic Inane as well as the more hard­core-heavy side with groups such as Im­ploders, Head­cheese, Hood Rats, Alf and Ce­ment Shoes.

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Tommy Cossack & The Degenerators - Agitator

Oh look, Lon­don garage-/synth punk so­lo cru­sad­er Tom­my Cos­sack has ex­pand­ed op­er­a­tions in­to a full band line-up and the re­sult sounds ab­solute­ly bril­liant and so much big­ger, shed­ding some of its Lo-Fi egg­punk quirks in fa­vor of a more po­tent, dense and fo­cused at­tack while nev­er lack­ing in terms of thrilling hooks, of which these songs are stuffed to the brim with, mak­ing for a com­pact and in­cred­i­bly en­ter­tain­ing half hour of breath­less en­er­gy and ex­ite­ment that may right­ful­ly be com­pared to the likes of Set-Top Box, Pow­er­plant, Aus­muteants and Sa­tan­ic To­gas.

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Egg Idiot - Best Of LOL

Eggpunk's eggi­est id­iot group's long-play­ing de­but con­sists most­ly of re-record­ings of songs al­ready known from his pre­vi­ous two EPs, with the added ben­e­fit of some­what im­proved pro­duc­tion val­ues and thus lots of added oomph to their sound, mak­ing this the de­fin­i­tive col­lec­tion of Egg Id­iot tunes so far and cer­tain­ly the most in­fec­tious dose of brain dam­aged fun you're gonna ex­pe­ri­ence in the next thir­ty min­utes or so… Awe­some shit!

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Jimsobbins /​ Cindy7 - Split

Yet an­oth­er thor­ough­ly com­pelling load of new egg-ish garage- and synth punk good­ness comes to us by way of this crunchy split cas­sette fea­tur­ing two Prov­i­dence, Rhode Is­land groups. Jim­sob­bins are a duo com­prised of Adam and Lucy. Is that the same Adam who's al­so in Bal­loon Thief? Plau­si­ble but un­con­firmed. With the ad­di­tion of vo­cal­ist El­la, they then trans­form in­to the trio Cindy7. Jim­sob­bins are the more typ­i­cal­ly egg­punk-sound­ing of the two groups, call­ing to mind stuff like Daugh­ter Bat and the Lip Stings, Gee Gee, Bil­liam and Toe Ring… plus a slight sham­bol­ic touch of Neo Neos in Leop­ard. The lat­ter ten­den­cy then per­sists through­out Cindy7's side, ex­hibit­ing even more of that scrap­py DIY charm, with their open­ing track Gonna Break! even evok­ing a bit of an old­school no wave vibe while the fi­nal two tracks charge things up with an in­creas­ing amount of chaot­ic hard­core en­er­gy.

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Solvent - Mockery Of Life

A kick­ass de­but EP by this Brook­lyn, NY group. The open­er No Re­course evokes a dis­tinct mid-'80s to ear­ly '90s Dischord vibe á la Rites Of Spring, Na­tion Of Ulysses, Gray Mat­ter… plus a hint of Dri­ve Like Je­hu or more re­cent groups like Wymyns Prysyn, Beast Fiend and Launch­er. Fix­ate comes with a hard change of pace, most­ly re­sem­bling the spir­it of old aus­tralian punk and garage leg­ends like X, Saints and God. Scrap­ing Away then re­turns to the post­core stylings, some­how com­bin­ing a bit of ear­ly Sac­cha­rine Trust with the pro­to-noise rock of Flip­per.

Paulo Vicious - Duas M​ú​sicas Para Dan​ç​ar

Even in a busy week like this one (ya know, band­camp fri­day and what­not…), i just got­ta men­tion this new dig­i­tal two-track sin­gle by Tel Aviv synth-/eg­g­punk act Paulo Vi­cious ''cos if these two songs don't fuckin' rip then i don't know what does, mas­ter­ing the neat trick of con­sid­er­ably slow­ing down things with­out ever evok­ing bore­dom, ef­fec­tive­ly fill­ing the new gaps be­tween the thumps and beeps with plen­ty more of in­ter­est­ing squeeks, groans and kablowies to an al­to­geth­er an­i­mat­ing over­all ef­fect.

Busted Head Racket - Go! Go! Go!

An­oth­er qual­i­ty re­lease from that bas­tion of off-kil­ter punk and noise, Er­ste Theke Ton­träger. Bust­ed Head Rack­et is a group based in New­cas­tle, Aus­tralia cen­ter­ing around vo­cal­ist /​ mul­ti-in­stru­men­tal­ist Ar­den Guff and in the past year has al­ready made waves with a num­ber of EPs, com­pi­la­tion ap­pear­ances and split re­leas­es. Their long-play­ing de­but now de­liv­ers an­oth­er strong batch of odd lit­tle tunes of dis­tinct­ly egg-ish qual­i­ties which man­age to come across as equal­ly catchy, quirky, rough and en­er­gic, kin­da com­bin­ing the traits of, say, Bil­liam and the hard­core at­tack of last year's Snoop­er LP, with fur­ther par­al­lels to be drawn to such acts as Slimex, Daugh­ter Bat and the Lip Stings, Set-Top Box and Ghoulies.

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Liquid Lunch - A Very Liquid Christmas /​/​ Billiam - Where Is Jackson Reid Briggs?

Here's yet an­oth­er pair of mod­er­ate­ly egg-re­lat­ed small fry in the form of two new dig­i­tal (?) 2-track sin­gles. First off there's Min­neapo­lis garage punks Liq­uid Lunch de­liv­er­ing two ex­cel­lent new blasts on a fuck­ing hol­i­day-themed re­lease in fuck­ing April which then again, i'd say is ac­tu­al­ly one of the most egg things pos­si­ble to do. Then, there's al­so a new re­lease by Mel­bourne DIY ma­gi­cian Bil­liam which un­sur­pris­ing­ly doesn't dis­ap­point ei­ther. The ti­tle track in­deed ap­pears to take some cues from Jack­son Reid Brig­gs and his cur­rent band Split Sys­tem in par­tic­u­lar.