A kick­ass de­but EP by this Brook­lyn, NY group. The open­er No Re­course evokes a dis­tinct mid-'80s to ear­ly '90s Dischord vibe á la Rites Of Spring, Na­tion Of Ulysses, Gray Mat­ter… plus a hint of Dri­ve Like Je­hu or more re­cent groups like Wymyns Prysyn, Beast Fiend and Launch­er. Fix­ate comes with a hard change of pace, most­ly re­sem­bling the spir­it of old aus­tralian punk and garage leg­ends like X, Saints and God. Scrap­ing Away then re­turns to the post­core stylings, some­how com­bin­ing a bit of ear­ly Sac­cha­rine Trust with the pro­to-noise rock of Flip­per.