Yet an­oth­er thor­ough­ly com­pelling load of new egg-ish garage- and synth punk good­ness comes to us by way of this crunchy split cas­sette fea­tur­ing two Prov­i­dence, Rhode Is­land groups. Jim­sob­bins are a duo com­prised of Adam and Lucy. Is that the same Adam who's al­so in Bal­loon Thief? Plau­si­ble but un­con­firmed. With the ad­di­tion of vo­cal­ist El­la, they then trans­form in­to the trio Cindy7. Jim­sob­bins are the more typ­i­cal­ly egg­punk-sound­ing of the two groups, call­ing to mind stuff like Daugh­ter Bat and the Lip Stings, Gee Gee, Bil­liam and Toe Ring… plus a slight sham­bol­ic touch of Neo Neos in Leop­ard. The lat­ter ten­den­cy then per­sists through­out Cindy7's side, ex­hibit­ing even more of that scrap­py DIY charm, with their open­ing track Gonna Break! even evok­ing a bit of an old­school no wave vibe while the fi­nal two tracks charge things up with an in­creas­ing amount of chaot­ic hard­core en­er­gy.