Shament - Shament

An ef­fort­less­ly ass-kick­ing de­but EP from an Oslo, Nor­way group that runs the gamut from the buz­z­saw hard­core punk of the open­ing track Ri­tal­in­bjørn­er to break­neck-speed fuzzed-out garage punk in Laserkrieg, hav­ing some sim­i­lar en­er­gy to, say, The Gobs, Kid Chrome and S.B.F.. Stygg Be­bi then has some dis­tinct dun­geon-es­que egg­punk-meets-deathrock vibe rem­i­nis­cent of stuff like Pow­er­plant, Kerozine or fel­low nor­we­gians Mol­bo. The lat­ter ten­den­cy then cul­mi­nates in the clos­ing track Shament, a catchy an­them built from pure goth-y post punk ear can­dy lead­ing up to a some­what black met­al-ish con­clu­sion. Fuck me this is some strong shit!

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Criminal - Duke Of Oi!

Not kid­ding, this is some hon­est to god oi! shit right there yet this stuff al­so couldn't be more far re­moved from what you'd nor­mal­ly ex­pect out of the genre, al­so mark­ing a sharp de­par­ture from this Los An­ge­les group's (rather un­re­mark­able, if you ask me) ear­li­er out­put. Rather, this record strikes me as an­oth­er wel­come ad­di­tion to the small but grow­ing canon of the emerg­ing dun­geon punk bub­ble, kin­da like what a sim­pli­fied Poi­son Ruïn might sound like if they di­aled down the post punk and went all-in on the oi! el­e­ments. Add to that a singer who seems to chan­nel some sort of al­ter­nate-re­al­i­ty true met­al Frankie Stubbs clone and what you get is a new fa­vorite batch of tunes for crush­ing the world's in­jus­tuces with right­eous anger and prim­i­tive, blunt weapon­ry.

Seagate - Tapes Volume II

The sec­ond EP of this At­lantic Beach, Flori­da group de­lights with a whol­ly in­fat­u­at­ing make of sim­ple, com­pact and catchy garage- and fuzz punk good­ness that ac­tu­al­ly comes with some un­ex­pect­ed­ly var­ied col­lec­tion of vibes, at one point or an­oth­er chan­nel­ing qual­i­ties you might as­so­ciate with groups such as Sa­tan­ic To­gas, New Berlin, Buck Biloxi, Set-Top Box, Spits, Die TV or Penance Hall.

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Pablo X Broadcasting Services - Running Wild /​ Hunted

Fol­low­ing an in­tox­i­cat­ing­ly strong de­but EP last sum­mer, the fol­low-up by french psy­che­del­ic rock wiz­ard Re­my Pablo de­liv­ers more of that same over­whelm­ing good­ness stub­born­ly ex­e­cut­ing its very own no­tion of pul­sat­ing loops and blown-out drones at the in­ter­sec­tions of psych- and space rock, post-, art-, pro­to- and garage punk with more than just a lit­tle of an MX-80-, Chrome- and Mé­tal Ur­bain vibe to it.

.cum - .cum

A mag­nif­i­cent de­but sin­gle by a neb­u­lous group from nowhere serves up two un­de­ni­ably tasty synth punk an­thems rem­i­nis­cent as much of the 2000s in­die rock era (as in: Re­mem­ber when Pitch­fork was a thing?) as of more re­cent phe­nom­e­na in the Cher­ry Cheeks, Ope or Smirk vein, with a frost­ing of Dig­i­tal Leather-es­que fla­vors on top. What's not to like about that?

Jëg Hüsker - My Dawn Promo

The sec­ond EP by this Karl­sruhe, Ger­many group is al­so the first taste we're get­ting of an up­com­ing al­bum and just like their ex­cel­lent de­mo tape at the end of last year, this thing com­bines the grimy dun­geon-es­que garage vibes the group ob­vi­ous­ly in­her­it­ed from Thee Khai Aehm, whose mem­bers com­prise half of this group's line­up, with a dis­tinct flour­ish of pro­to punk prim­i­tivism, plen­ty of spaced-out psy­che­del­ic ex­cess á la late De­struc­tion Unit, some hard­core en­er­gy in Tear It Up and even some melod­ic flour­ish­es in My Dawn, while the clos­ing track Inte Mer Hem is noth­ing short of raw and sim­ple dun­geon punk per­fec­tion.

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D.A.R.Y.L. - Rock n Roll High School

The de­but al­bum of this Austin, Texas dude has ten ex­quis­ite bursts worth of pure sim­plis­tic garage punk spec­ta­cle in store for us - same old shit ba­si­cal­ly, but al­so re­al­ly, re­al­ly fuck­ing good, like, com­bin­ing the traits of Buck Biloxi, Gior­gio Mur­der­er, Bart and the Brats, The Achtungs, The Dirts and ear­li­er Sick Thoughts, these songs nev­er miss their mark and ad­mir­ers of the groups men­tioned should just be on their knees al­ready, beg­ging this dude to take their mon­ey.

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Mr. Pescado - Dusty Perils

The sec­ond tape by this New York group, brought to us by lo­cal NY spe­cial­ist la­bel Fuzzy War­bles Cas­settes, is an in­sane­ly sat­is­fy­ing mix­ture os­cil­lat­ing be­tween the pa­ra­me­ters of re­laxed garage punk and equal­ly slacked-off in­die rock, a bit like a more in­die rock-lean­ing Vaguess mixed with some ear­ly Woolen Men, Bed Wet­tin' Bad Boys, re­cent Datenight or maybe a less cramped ver­sion of that lat­est Mon­da LP.

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Autobahns - First LP!

The Leipzig post-/garage punk scene nev­er ceas­es to amaze, as Au­to­bahns al­ready did on oc­ca­sion of their split EP with the al­so bril­liant S.G.A.T.V.. Now here's their full-length de­but co-re­leased by three usu­al-sus­pect la­bels from around the globe and this one's a treat, folks! Right from the start there's some strong Bil­liam-es­que en­er­gy to these songs, mod­er­ate­ly egg-ish garage punk smash­ers that al­so call to mind stuff like Tom­my Cos­sack, Set-Top Box and fur­ther ec­cen­tric­i­ties of the Snoop­er, Beer or Prison Af­fair kind or maybe Germany's very own Egg Id­iot. Tellin' Ya trans­ports some of the best traits of re­cent Vaguess records in­to a more dis­tinct egg­punk con­text. All the while, Au­to­bahns op­er­ate as a su­per-tight unit here, ex­pert­ly kick­ing up a hell of a storm while nev­er los­ing their iron­clad grip on their melod­ic sen­si­bil­i­ties… this is some catchy shit all the way through, reach­ing its peak in the undi­lut­ed noise pop ec­sta­sy of Loss Of The Rights.

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Char-Man - Down On Ready

Now this group has been a com­plete blind spot for me so far and as such, an un­ex­pect­ed and thor­ough­ly en­joy­able rab­bit hole to dig in­to. Ac­cord­ing­ly, for a group that has been around for over two decades al­ready, this whole thing is a pleas­ant­ly old-fash­ioned af­fair show­cas­ing a group that doesn't have to take shit from any­one. Mu­si­cal­ly, this most­ly car­ries the torch of pre­dom­i­nant­ly aus­tralian punk roy­al­ty with the likes of Saints, Bird­man, New Christs, God and Sci­en­tists loom­ing large above these tunes. There's al­so some amount of Cheap Trick-like pow­er pop melodies to be found here as well though, plus oc­ca­sion­al fla­vors of Wipers, Dead Moon, New York Dolls or 13th Floor El­e­va­tors. I'm pret­ty sure fans of Split Sys­tem are gonna get a kick out of this shit as well, just as will those who miss such last-decade groups like Brim­stone Howl and Apache Dropout.

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