Neo Neos - Act - VII

Just as i think i'm done blog­ging for the week and while i least ex­pect it, a new Neo Neos record ma­te­ri­al­izes pret­ty much out of thin air! Now that's al­ways a ma­jor event in the 12XU mi­cro­verse any­way but the oc­ca­sion is made all the more spe­cial as this is the first new re­lease in a cou­ple years (not count­ing the Hard Dri­ve Ex­per­i­ments out­takes comps) by garage punk over­lord and al­ter­nate-di­men­sion gui­tar god Con­nie Voltaire. This shit has me feel­ing right at home from the start, un­mis­tak­ably Neo Neos in all its de­praved glo­ry and ab­solute­ly up there with the best of his ma­te­r­i­al. In case you pre­fer slabs of PVC, Un­der The Gun Records has you cov­ered with a new LP com­pil­ing this thing on one side as well as the 2018 opus Get The Neo Neos on the oth­er.

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Verspannungskassette #60 (C-60)

V.D. I've Got My Sights On You
Woolen Men Spoiled
Sil­i­cone Prairie Vic­to­ri­an Flame
Fa­mous Mam­mals Like A Shad­ow
Bil­liam Freak Line
Pow­er Pants Flys On My Face
Pe­queño Vic­tor Cere­bro de Gelati­na
Pow­er­plant Beau­ti­ful Boy
Landown­er Thou­sands of Years in Fast For­ward

Me­dia Puz­zle Keen Street
Be­ta Max­i­mo Straight Egg
Neo Neos Clock­work
Häuser Al­right
X-Ac­to You Sliced Up My Wife
Tex­ture Freq Gran­ite Head
El My­rons Not A Good Mode
Ce­re­al Glyphs Shad­ow Slaw

Sweep­ing Promis­es Throw of the Dice
Meal Cpt Tiger
Long­ings Ex­pen­sive Graves
Life­guard 17-18 Lovesong
Atol Atol Atol Atol Atol Atol

Sei Sega In­adap­ta­dos
Lothario Drunk Fuck
Sil­i­cone Val­ues Dis­pos­able Mu­sic
Crab­ber Less End­less
Split Sys­tem Alone Again

Electric Prawns 2 - Prawn Static For Porn Addicts

…now that's kind of an in­sane move, dump­ing four to six LPs worth of ma­te­r­i­al in a sin­gle al­bum on band­camp. Didn't see that com­ing at all, good thing we like in­sane shit here at 12XU HQ. With this al­bum the group from Mof­fat Beach, Aus­tralia se­ri­ous­ly earned the ti­tle "The Guid­ed by Voic­es of space egg punk". Amaz­ing­ly, most of this stuff is pret­ty freakin' awe­some too, al­though a fair bit of fat and re­dun­dan­cy sure could've been trimmed off this 2-hour re­lease for an even stronger 80-minute al­bum to emerge in the process. Their high egg-fac­tor mix­ture of Psy­che­del­ic-/Space Rock, Post- and Garage Punk might draw com­par­isons to the likes of Mononeg­a­tives, Neo Neos, Liq­uids, The Gobs, Set-Top Box, Print Head or Use­less Eaters in its more high-en­er­gy mo­ments while in the more re­laxed and/​or down­beat songs, groups like Die TV, Cool Sor­cery, Snoop­er might come to mind or even an ex­tra Lo-Fi ver­sion of the Woolen Men!

Al­bum-Stream →

Snooper - Town Topic

Three fifths of this EP have al­ready trick­led out very slow­ly in the form of demos and dig­i­tal sin­gles. Fi­nal­ly, we can wit­ness the thing in full now. I'd say the Nashville out­fit have found their own unique lit­tle niche in­side a crowd­ed pool of egg-re­lat­ed weird­ness, their jan­g­ly garage punk det­o­na­tions shrunk­en to mi­cro­scop­ic scale… a bit like a su­per-mut­ed in­car­na­tion of R.M.F.C. with ad­di­tion­al hints of Print Head, Neo Neos or ear­ly Erik Ner­vous.

Al­bum-Stream →

Coke Asian - Kegel Excess

The most un­ex­pect­ed gem of this week comes from a Paris group and ap­par­ent­ly has al­ready been record­ed in 2018. This is a puz­zling and over­whelm­ing burst of chaot­ic noise crude­ly wedged in­be­tween the edges of garage punk, KBD-style odd­i­ties and the weird­er fringes of ear­ly 80s hard­core punk. The open­er VVV evokes a vibe kin­da like a mix be­tween fel­low french­men Sub­tle Turn­hips and US hard­core odd­balls Landown­er while Moose Lodge con­jures up the lega­cy of, among oth­ers, pro­to noise rock­ers of the Flip­per, Bro­ken Tal­ent or Fun­gus Brains cal­iber. City Blocks unites the qual­i­ties of Bad Brains and MC5 in a neat lit­tle pack­age. Oth­er times, they evoke The Men­tal­ly Ill or kin­da bridge the gap be­tween Neos and Neo Neos while nu­mer­ous more re­cent groups á la To­tal Sham, Liq­uid As­sets, Launch­er, Cri­sis Man, Frea­kees or Li­po­suc­tion aren't too far off ei­ther at one point or an­oth­er. This shit is as unique as it's prim­i­tive and most­ly un­pre­dictable, more than once de­fy­ing any at­tempt at cat­e­go­riza­tion.

Al­bum-Stream →

The Vortex - Executive Dysfunction

This San­ta Ana group emits short and noisy KBD-soaked ar­ti­facts, equal parts old­school garage- and hard­core punk with the oc­ca­sion­al touch of Gun Club. The over­all im­pres­sion ain't too far off Neo Neos or any of mae­stro Voltaire's var­i­ous hard­core projects, ear­ly Erik Ner­vous and maybe some hint of Launch­er, meshed to­geth­er with some beau­ti­ful ac­ci­dent of the kind that might've just as well oc­cured on some ran­dom Deluxe Bias or Im­po­tent Fe­tus re­lease.

Al­bum-Stream →

Finale - 225 o​.​p​.​m​.

One of Spain's best kept se­crets has fi­nal­ly made it in­to the garage punk big league as ev­i­denced by their new 7" on Sloven­ly Record­ings, con­tain­ing what is with­out doubt their strongest set of tunes yet, con­fi­dent and catchy as fuck while keep­ing their dis­tinct weirdo edge in­tact, find­ing a per­fect mid­dle ground be­tween the par­tic­u­lar ec­cen­tric­i­ties of acts like Erik Ner­vous, Re­al­i­ty Group, R.M.F.C. or Neo Neos.

Al­bum-Stream →

Pringue - The Age Of Cringe

A fresh batch of fucked up lo-fi DIY garage punk jew­els by some barcelona group, re­mind­ing me of so much that's good right now in the genre. Like a weird mix of R.M.F.C., Neo Neos, Erik Ner­vous, Alien Nose­job in hard­core mode… al­so, there's a strik­ing sim­i­lar­i­ty to fel­low barcelo­ni­ans Prison Af­fair. Wait, are these the same band?

Al­bum-Stream →

Metdog - Metdog Blues

Fun & in­ven­tive Garage Punk from Mel­bourne clear­ly on the eggy side of the spec­trum (man, i al­ways want­ed to avoid this Egg/Chain-Ter­mi­nol­o­gy here but in this case it just fits so per­fect­ly) com­ing ac­cross a bit like Er­ic Ner­vous, R.M.F.C. or Neo Neos cov­er­ing old Dead Milk­men an­thems.

Al­bum-Stream →

Verspannungskassette #9 (C-90)

Side A


Shame Al­pha­bet
Ray Gun Seance
Ranch­er Head Crash
Black­lis­ters White Pi­ano
Shift­ing Spudgasm
Wax Chat­tels Yoko­hama
Girls In Syn­the­sis Pres­sure
TOL Col­laps­ing
Wortlis Quo­zo Это Не Я
Chain­shot Vic­tim Soul
GAG Mad Dog
Laun­dry Boys Mus­tard Mon­ster
True Sons Of Thun­der Toob Sock
Chico Per­ro Es­ta­mos Mejor Que Nun­ca
Oth­er Half Trance State
Rolex Stripes
Landown­er Be­ing Told You’re Wrong
Re­mote Con­trol Sub­ject
Ok Satán It Is To­day (Be­lieve It)
Yam­mer­er Boa Con­stric­tor
The Ar­chaeas Re­al­i­ty Com­man­der

Side B


Brandy (Wish You Was) Mad­ball Ba­by
Speed Week Phish­ing
Moth Work
Iso­tope Soap The Hap­pi­est Kid on Earth
Erik Ner­vous Toil Is Stu­pid
Dig­i­tal Leather Com­pass
I Am The Fly Ax­olotl
Tor Wifi Head
Diode To­mothy
Borky!! Post Punk
Pro­vo Ihml
Es­care On­ly Lives
Neo Neos Big Chin
Ruben Ri­ley Dead Man's Rock­et
Ex-White My Love, The Rock
Gee Tee Mu­tant World
Sinkin' Feel­ings Gimme The Look
Sa­tan­ic To­gas Hit #69
Vaguess Mask of Van­i­ty
Sil­i­cone Val­ues Nu­clear Sun
Ton­er Un­der the Gun