Side A


Shame Al­pha­bet
Ray Gun Seance
Ranch­er Head Crash
Black­lis­ters White Pi­ano
Shift­ing Spudgasm
Wax Chat­tels Yoko­hama
Girls In Syn­the­sis Pres­sure
TOL Col­laps­ing
Wortlis Quo­zo Это Не Я
Chain­shot Vic­tim Soul
GAG Mad Dog
Laun­dry Boys Mus­tard Mon­ster
True Sons Of Thun­der Toob Sock
Chico Per­ro Es­ta­mos Mejor Que Nun­ca
Oth­er Half Trance State
Rolex Stripes
Landown­er Be­ing Told You’re Wrong
Re­mote Con­trol Sub­ject
Ok Satán It Is To­day (Be­lieve It)
Yam­mer­er Boa Con­stric­tor
The Ar­chaeas Re­al­i­ty Com­man­der

Side B


Brandy (Wish You Was) Mad­ball Ba­by
Speed Week Phish­ing
Moth Work
Iso­tope Soap The Hap­pi­est Kid on Earth
Erik Ner­vous Toil Is Stu­pid
Dig­i­tal Leather Com­pass
I Am The Fly Ax­olotl
Tor Wifi Head
Diode To­mothy
Borky!! Post Punk
Pro­vo Ihml
Es­care On­ly Lives
Neo Neos Big Chin
Ruben Ri­ley Dead Man's Rock­et
Ex-White My Love, The Rock
Gee Tee Mu­tant World
Sinkin' Feel­ings Gimme The Look
Sa­tan­ic To­gas Hit #69
Vaguess Mask of Van­i­ty
Sil­i­cone Val­ues Nu­clear Sun
Ton­er Un­der the Gun