V.D. I've Got My Sights On You
Woolen Men Spoiled
Sil­i­cone Prairie Vic­to­ri­an Flame
Fa­mous Mam­mals Like A Shad­ow
Bil­liam Freak Line
Pow­er Pants Flys On My Face
Pe­queño Vic­tor Cere­bro de Gelati­na
Pow­er­plant Beau­ti­ful Boy
Landown­er Thou­sands of Years in Fast For­ward

Me­dia Puz­zle Keen Street
Be­ta Max­i­mo Straight Egg
Neo Neos Clock­work
Häuser Al­right
X-Ac­to You Sliced Up My Wife
Tex­ture Freq Gran­ite Head
El My­rons Not A Good Mode
Ce­re­al Glyphs Shad­ow Slaw

Sweep­ing Promis­es Throw of the Dice
Meal Cpt Tiger
Long­ings Ex­pen­sive Graves
Life­guard 17-18 Lovesong
Atol Atol Atol Atol Atol Atol

Sei Sega In­adap­ta­dos
Lothario Drunk Fuck
Sil­i­cone Val­ues Dis­pos­able Mu­sic
Crab­ber Less End­less
Split Sys­tem Alone Again