Wails - Wails

High­ly flam­ma­ble shit, the de­but EP of Stock­holm group Wails which un­leash­es four per­fect storms of ass-kickin' straight-ahead-rockin' garage punk while al­so in­volv­ing some hard­core propul­sion, oc­ca­sion­al traces of sludge. I'm re­mind­ed of garage pow­er­hous­es like Ex-Cult, The Cow­boy, Jack­son Reid Brig­gs and the Heaters, Flat Worms or, more re­cent­ly, Ar­chaeas.

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Night Miasma - Night Miasma

Night Mi­as­ma are a group from Chem­nitz, Ger­many fea­tur­ing mem­bers of L'appel Du Vide, whith whom you're prob­a­bly fa­mil­iar al­ready if you're in­to that kind of thing. Their de­but EP doesn't stray too far from that styl­is­ti­cal­ly, de­liv­er­ing a fla­vor of dark punk /​ deathrock-in­fused post punk that doesn't add any­thing new to the genre but gets all the ba­sics right in these four sound­ly con­struct­ed songs.

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Youth Regiment - Youth Regiment

An­oth­er Im­po­tent Fe­tus re­lease, an­oth­er short and sweet burst of noisy, old­school-ish hard­core punk ap­proach­ing the genre from charm­ing­ly odd an­gles.

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Pedigree - Connected?

Their 2019 de­but al­bum New Freak was great fun al­ready, but on the bel­gian group's newest EP all the mov­ing parts click in­to each oth­er way more tight­ly and ef­fec­tive, while their quite slick yet pow­er­ful garage punk sound has gained a bit more of a sub­tle post punk vibe. At var­i­ous points i'm re­mind­ed of groups like (ear­ly) Teenanger, Video, Flat Worms, Sauna Youth, Ex-Cult as well as french acts Night­watch­ers & Telecult.

Al­bum-Stream →

Jah Hell - Lockdown Love Songs

An­oth­er fresh new batch of hissy, dis­tort­ed, melod­ic and sim­ply awe­some garage punk, fuzz- & noise pop bangers by this one-man project from Ely, UK.

Al­bum-Stream →

Mystic Inane - Natural Beauty

Man, it's been at least half a decade since i last heard of this New Or­leans group. How­ev­er un­ex­pect­ed the re­lease of their new 7" might come, their blend of garage- & post punk, hard- & post­core cer­tain­ly sounds as fresh and en­er­getic as ever on this one, fit­ting in nice­ly with more re­cent groups in the vein of Launch­er, Liq­uid As­sets or Fried E/​M.

Al­bum-Stream →

Daydream - Mystic Operative

With their sec­ond long­play­er, Port­land punks Day­dream set off eleven new blasts of care­ful­ly con­trolled chaos, imag­i­na­tive and un­pre­dictable as ever and with quite a bit of fine-tun­ing to their very own any­thing-goes brand of slight­ly garage-fla­vored post­core, which might draw com­par­isons to groups such as Kalei­do­scope, Bad Breed­ing… even a very slight hint of Dri­ve Like Je­hu, maybe?

Al­bum-Stream →

New Vogue - New Vogue

Mon­tre­al group New Vogue nev­er sound­ed bet­ter than on their most re­cent EP, whip­ping out in­fec­tious hooks at a dan­ger­ous pace, merg­ing them in­to shiny lit­tle nuggets of garage- and synth punk with echos of Use­less Eaters as well as many loose­ly Warttman-af­fil­i­at­ed bands like Sa­tan­ic To­gas, R.M.F.C. or Set-Top Box. Nice!

Al­bum-Stream →

Fugitive Bubble - Fugitive Bubble /​/​ C-Krit - C-Krit

Im­po­tent Fe­tus, the mar­vel­lous new-ish cas­sette sub­la­bel of the equal­ly fan­tas­tic Stuc­co em­pire, has al­ready brought quite a bit of joy to the world re­cent­ly with that Sep­tic Yanks tape. In the mean­time, they've al­ready re­leased two new pud­dles of noise to bathe in, made by two groups of un­known where­abouts, eas­i­ly up­hold­ing the high qual­i­ty stan­dards.
Fugi­tive Bub­ble cre­ate a de­light­ful and in­ven­tive mess of fuzzed out hard-, noise- and weird­core, at times re­mind­ing me of Das Drip, Warm Bod­ies, Vexx, the ear­ly out­put of NAG or Kalei­do­scope.
C-Krit, on the oth­er hand, sound a lot like a dis­fig­ured cross­breed be­tween Soup­cans, No Trend and Lumpy & The Dumpers. Al­so, their fucked up ren­di­tion of the Scream­ing Sneak­ers ever­green Vi­o­lent Days is pure gold.

Al­bum-Streams →

Pódium - Pódium

In the two years that have passed since Podi­um of Va­len­cia, Spain gave us an ex­cel­lent first im­pres­sion with their de­but EP, what has been a so­lo record­ing project back then has grown in­to a com­plete band line-up, rest­less­ly bull­doz­ing ahead with their own fla­vor of straight & stu­pid garage punk, rough­ly in the same or­bit as Ar­chaeas, Ex-Cult, Flat Worms and Sauna Youth, while adding to their for­mu­la some sub­tle over­tones of noise, ston­er punk, hard- & post­core.

Al­bum-Stream →