Nag - Observer

Fol­low­ing last year's some­what more re­fined full-length de­but, the sec­ond LP by At­lanta dark-/post punk group Nag feels more like a throw­back to their ear­li­er EPs - and i mean that in all the best ways. These songs are raw as fuck, the arrange­ments al­most as sparse as you can pos­si­bly stretch the genre be­fore it's gonna col­lapse. Why write a god­damn nov­el when all you need to get across is a sin­gle but rather des­per­ate sen­tence?

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Night Miasma - Night Miasma

Night Mi­as­ma are a group from Chem­nitz, Ger­many fea­tur­ing mem­bers of L'appel Du Vide, whith whom you're prob­a­bly fa­mil­iar al­ready if you're in­to that kind of thing. Their de­but EP doesn't stray too far from that styl­is­ti­cal­ly, de­liv­er­ing a fla­vor of dark punk /​ deathrock-in­fused post punk that doesn't add any­thing new to the genre but gets all the ba­sics right in these four sound­ly con­struct­ed songs.

Al­bum-Stream →

Plataforma - La Equitativa

Once again Barcelona's scene is killing it! Platafor­ma man­age to do just that thanks to a beau­ti­ful­ly rough, DIY-as-fuck sound in the realm of dark-/post punk with a healthy dose of goth/​death rock doom & gloom. Cri­sis come to mind as well as the ear­ly 2010's Kopen­hagen scene - think Low­er and ear­ly Iceage - and some more re­cent stuff like britain's Dis­joy.

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