Poison Ruïn - Poison Ruïn II

I al­ready liked this Philadel­phia group's first tape a lot but its suc­ces­sor rais­es the bar even high­er for their own mix­ture of garage-, post- and dun­geon punk that doesn't shy away from al­low­ing quite a bit of very old­school "heavy" met­al in­to the mix - in re­gards to the movie just as much as the genre.

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Trash Ferraris - Trash Ferraris

Some straight, sim­ple, stu­pid, and su­per-ef­fec­tive garage punk fun made by some folks of the ex­tend­ed Vaguess, Use­less Eaters, Fer­nan­do & The Teenage Narcs or­bit. Has some Ex-Cult vibes, but pri­mar­i­ly i'm re­mind­ed of aus­tralian groups like The Liv­ing Eyes, Ed­dy Cur­rent Sup­pres­sion Ring and Mi­ni Skirt. Even a slight Saints/​Radio Bird­man feel is clear­ly present here.

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Collate - Medicine /​ Genesis Fatigue

It took the Port­land, Ore­gon trio a few re­leas­es to get there, but their newest 7" is push­ing all the right but­tons for me with its no wave-in­fused as well as Gang Of Four-in­spired dance­able post punk, which in this par­tic­u­lar case re­minds me es­pe­cial­ly of Brighton group Aus­ter­i­ty.

Shimmer Bed - Aquaria, Escapism & Other Favorites

The re­cent record­ed out­put by Los An­ge­les garage project Shim­mer Bed is, to be quite hon­est, a bit too pro­lif­ic for me to dive deep­er in­to right now - which is why this ex­cel­lent com­pi­la­tion tape put out by the span­ish la­bel Dis­cos Per­o­qué­bi­en is such a wel­come gift that made me aware of this dude in the first place. Over the span of a whop­ping 22 tracks we get to wit­ness a re­mark­ably di­verse spec­trum of sounds rang­ing from bed­room weirdo garage punk that might evoke the melod­ic­i­ty of Vaguess, the noise pop of Jah Hell and the play­ful­ness of Dee Bee Rich, Nuts or Prison Af­fair, to psy­che­del­ic pop rem­i­nis­cent Rat Columns or var­i­ous eight­ies Fly­ing Nun acts and in­be­tween al this, there's even time for some noisy post punk sketch­es.

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Eugh - Cassingle #1

New shit from this Kitchen Peo­ple-af­fil­i­at­ed Mel­bourne garage project. The A-side presents a sparkling pow­er pop gem rem­i­nis­cent of Liq­uids, Sa­tan­ic To­gas or Datenight, while the B-side con­tin­ues the di­rec­tion of the pre­vi­ous EP - the kind of quirky & snap­py garage punk you might as­si­ci­ate with the likes of R.M.F.C., Set-Top Box or Re­search Re­ac­tor Corp.

Sick Thoughts - Poor Boys /​ Drug Rock

Has it re­al­ly been a mere two-and-a-half years since we've last heard of New Or­leans garage pow­er­house Sick Thoughts? It feels a lot longer to me. Any­way, the first new mu­sic in quite a while by Drew Owen and com­pa­ny sounds as fresh and elec­tri­fy­ing as ever - the pure essence of old­school '77- & garage punk dis­tilled in­to two ul­tra-dense shots of adren­a­line.

Tommy Cossack - Work From Home

…and here's yet an­oth­er half pound of com­pe­tent DIY garage punk made by some british dude, al­though this stuff smells more like some­thing out of the aus­tralian Warttman Inc. ros­ter. I'm think­ing es­pe­cial­ly of Set-Top Box, R.M.F.C. or Sa­tan­ic To­gas here, plus the un­avoid­able hint of Aus­muteants.

Freak Genes - Power Station

On their fourth Long­play­er, the UK punk duo con­sist­ing of both a Red Cord and a Pro­to Id­iot goes for an all-out synth punk sound - more stub­born and bare-bones than ever be­fore - and it works ad­mirably, the way they're churn­ing out one min­i­mal­ist blast of quirky bleeps and lo-fi beats af­ter the oth­er.

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Metdog - Metdog Blues

Fun & in­ven­tive Garage Punk from Mel­bourne clear­ly on the eggy side of the spec­trum (man, i al­ways want­ed to avoid this Egg/Chain-Ter­mi­nol­o­gy here but in this case it just fits so per­fect­ly) com­ing ac­cross a bit like Er­ic Ner­vous, R.M.F.C. or Neo Neos cov­er­ing old Dead Milk­men an­thems.

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Expert - Phylaxis

Ex­cel­lent post punk of the mod­er­ate­ly dark va­ri­ety with some traces of post­core, math- and noise rock is what we get on this aus­tralian group's first EP, kin­da like a Fu­sion of B-Boys, Girls In Syn­the­sis and Rank/​Xerox… but al­so not en­tire­ly dis­sim­i­lar to stuff like Video, Pub­lic Eye, Tu­nic or The Es­tranged.