Jah Hell - Hell On Earth 2020

Fun and taste­ful no-frills melod­ic Fuzz Punk /​ Noise Pop from the UK, con­sist­ing most­ly of crunchy nois­es, per­cus­sive nois­es and tape hiss. Re­gard­ing two of these Songs, On The House and Pedi­gree Chums… I've heard these be­fore from a band/​project called Crown Mould­ing so i as­sume some kind of con­nec­tion here, ge­nius pop mu­sic Sher­lock that i am.

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Nutrition - No

Is this re­al­ly the first time i'm post­ing a re­lease of this group? This is baf­fling to me 'cos it feels as if these guys from Kaloomps, Cana­da have been around for­ev­er, hav­ing first won my at­ten­tion with a string of nine cass­in­gles of steadi­ly in­creas­ing qual­i­ty, fol­lowed by a self-ti­tled EP which for some rea­son didn't click with me quite as much. On their re­cent fol­low-up how­ev­er, they're def­i­nite­ly in their zone, de­liv­er­ing six high-mo­men­tum bursts of vague­ly KBD-ish and Wipers-es­que Garage-/Post Punk, al­so bear­ing some sim­i­lar­i­ty to groups like Launch­er, In­sti­tute, Liq­uid As­sets and, oc­ca­tion­al­ly, a hint of Crass.

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Prized Pig - PPEP

A thor­ough­ly pleas­ant lis­ten­ing ex­pe­ri­ence, this de­but EP by some Los An­ge­les group, made up of noise rock, post- and garage punk in­gre­di­ents, re­mind­ing me of a slight­ly garage-lean­ing in­car­na­tion of Nag, spiked with some weird­ness of the Soup­cans, Stink­hole or Lumpy & The Dumpers va­ri­ety. Tasty shit.

Peace De Résistance - Hedgemakers

Now this is some pret­ty in­cred­i­ble shit right here. The min­i­mal­is­tic DIY garage rock on this tape by some NYC dude (or band, not sure about that) sounds kin­da like some lost pro­to punk rel­ic and would just as well blend in on any one of those Messthetics/​Homework com­pi­la­tions. The sparse per­cus­sion, weary vo­cals, over­all lean arrange­ments and Lo-Fi pro­duc­tion val­ues all do their part in lend­ing these songs a par­tic­u­lar qual­i­ty that feels both grit­ty and drowsy.

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Smarts - Who Needs Smarts, Anyway?

An­oth­er Gee­long su­per­group fea­tur­ing high pro­file names such as Jake Robert­son (Aus­muteants, Alien Nose­job, Leather Tow­el etc.), Bil­ly Gard­ner (The Liv­ing Eyes, Ce­re­al Killer, Aus­muteants), Mitch Cam­ple­man (The Liv­ing Eyes) and Stel­la Ren­nex (Parsnip, Ba­nana­gun). Sound-wise, this doesn't stray too far from the es­tab­lished Aus­muteants for­mu­la and i'm to­tal­ly okay with that. Not the most orig­i­nal thing i've ever heard but a fun and thrilling ride nonethe­less, from start to fin­ish.

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True Sons Of Thunder - It Was Then That I Was Carrying You

The good­ness con­tin­ues on To­tal Punk's sec­ond long play­ing record. True Sons Of Thun­der are a Mem­phis group fea­tur­ing mem­bers of Man­a­tees and Obli­vians, among oth­ers. You might al­ready have no­ticed their re­cent 7" on Good­bye Boozy or even their first two al­bums, re­leased be­fore this blog came in­to be­ing. Their newest one sees them al­ter­nat­ing be­tween straight-ahead garage punk some­what sim­i­lar to The Cow­boy or Flat Worms and blues-soaked, repet­i­tive noise rock somwhere in­be­tween Cows, Near­ly Dead and var­i­ous old Am­Rep shit, as well as some un­de­ni­able U-Men vibes. With Skate Rock we even get a nice lit­tle hard­core dit­ty.

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Print Head - Happyhappy

Whoa, what a beau­ti­ful­ly crude piece of DIY lo-fi fuck­ery in the twi­light zones of slight­ly no-wave-ish post punk and garage rock, this dig­i­tal re­lease by some un­known Hicksville, NY en­ti­ty. Kin­da like an in­cred­i­bly weird in­car­na­tion of The Woolen Men in­ter­min­gling with Half Japan­ese and The UV Race. This is just gor­geous!

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Liquid Face - Crumbling Structure

Qual­i­ty stuff from Good­bye Boozy Records, as usu­al. Liq­uid Face is a project of Cal Don­ald, who al­so plays in Drag­gs, al­though what we get to hear on this 7" is even a bit quirki­er than any­thing Drag­gs have ever done. Synth-/garage punk some­what rem­i­nis­cent of C57BL/​6, Stal­ins of Sound, Puff! or any­thing Cruz Somers has un­leashed up­on us (S.B.F., Race Car, etc…). In re­gard to the aus­tralian scene specif­i­cal­ly, this wouldn't feel out of place along­side the Warttman Inc. cat­a­log ei­ther.

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Mr. Teenage - Automatic Love

This Mel­bourne group's de­but 7" pret­ty much hits the bulls eye at first try, set­ting off a flaw­less garage-dri­ven, high-calo­ries pow­er pop ex­trav­a­gan­za. With­out doubt, ad­mir­ers of Tom­mie and the Com­mies or Bad Sports, among oth­ers, will ap­pre­ci­ate the shit out of this.

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Septic Yanks - Septic Yanks

An­oth­er moldy wet lump of ul­tra­con­ta­gious punk shit, equal parts garage punk, KBD-style mis­chief and hard­core punk of the very old school. Not too far off from stuff like Liq­uid As­sets, Fried E/​M or Launch­er.

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