Dollhouse - I Hate You Dont Leave Me

This New York group's third EP once again show­cas­es them as an over­whelm­ing row­dy force to be reck­oned with, made up of equal­ly smart and fu­ri­ous post­core with some sur­face-lev­el sim­i­lar­i­ties to groups such as Mys­tic Inane, Wymyns Prysyn, Launch­er, Ce­ment Shoes or Liq­uid As­sets. New to me from this group is some pro­nounced melod­ic vibe á la Dri­ve Like Je­hu-goes-Leather­face in the ti­tle track… sur­pris­ing­ly, this too works flaw­less­ly!

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Jean Mignon - Dirty Mean Fast

The fol­low-up to last year's sen­sa­tion­al de­but tape AN/​AL by new york garage punk wiz­ard Jean Mignon some­what di­als down the styl­is­tic va­ri­ety fac­tor but ab­solute­ly makes up for it by con­sid­er­ably up­ping the av­er­age en­er­gy lev­el of his straight­for­ward punk smash­ers, pro­pelled for­ward by an un­stop­pable, com­bus­tive dri­ve with more than just a lit­tle un­der­cur­rent of pro­to punk in gen­er­al and the '74-'77 New York scene in par­tic­u­lar.

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Balaclava - The 1/​4 Inch Almanac

A buck­et­load of un­healthy sug­ary joy, the sec­ond EP by this NY act de­liv­er­ing a quirky and catchy mix of synth- and garage-, art- and egg­punk that skill­ful­ly and pre­cise­ly hits kind of a sweet spot in­be­tween the son­ic worlds of, say, Met­dog, Smirk and Cher­ry Cheeks, more or less. Good shit!

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Tiger! Shit! Tiger! Tiger! - Bloom

My pet­ty at­tempts at writ­ing about mu­sic might've been even worse 10+ years ago than they still are in the present but at least there's lit­tle need for me be­ing too em­bar­rassed about most of the mu­sic i've picked back then. Case in point, the new LP of ital­ian group Tiger! Shit! Tiger! Tiger!, the first new mu­sic af­ter six to sev­en years of si­lence by the group that had the ques­tion­able hon­or of be­ing the sub­ject of the very first 12XU blog post ever (the ger­man lan­guage sec­tion that is, which goes back to the year 2013 rather than the eng­lish sec­tion which is less than half as old). De­spite their slow pace of out­put you can't ac­cuse them of lack­ing stay­ing pow­er, that's for sure! Their sound's pro­gres­sion over the years makes per­fect sense to me as well, their ex­cel­lent 2013 For­ev­er Young LP kin­da chan­nel­ing the by­gone late 2000s /​ ear­ly 2010s era of noise pop and fuzz punk groups á la No Age, Wavves and Male Bond­ing, which then mor­phed in­to a more re­laxed, in­die rock-lean­ing vibe with on their 2017 al­bum Cor­ners. With this new one, they fi­nal­ly set­tle in­to some ul­tra-clas­sic shoegaze ter­ri­to­ry with just a hint of post grunge added to the mix, Bail­ter­space and Swervedriv­er be­ing the the best com­par­i­son i can come up with. Here they slow things down even fur­ther with­out ever com­ing across as sleepy or bor­ing - it takes a rare amount of elab­o­rate con­struc­tion work and song-craft­ing prowess to pull this shit off suc­cess­ful­ly and these ital­ians de­liv­er on it in droves, more than any oth­er group has done in re­cent years as it's been a rather sad decade for the genre so far if you ask me, in which most of these groups cer­tain­ly have all their ef­fect ped­als in place while lack­ing the songs, en­er­gy and vi­sion to do any­thing for me oth­er than gen­tly lulling me to sleep. This one, it sounds kin­da old­school while ab­solute­ly not Slow­dive-ish and that's like a breath of fresh air to me in these days.

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Arse - Kaputt.

It took the Syd­ney group like a half decade to come up with their third EP but here it fi­nal­ly is in all its glo­ry and spec­ta­cle. Their very own fu­sion of noise rock, hard- and post­core has re­tained every bit of their fran­tic en­er­gy while mix­ing shit up just enough to keep things in­ter­est­ing, for ex­am­ple in Shame Bomb, in which they con­jure up a pre­vi­ous­ly un­heard sense of melan­choly. Oth­er times, their speeds and lev­els of dev­as­ta­tion are reach­ing the ex­plo­sive force of their de­but EP in songs such as Lev­el Skip­per and Prick in the Franger, af­ter the slight­ly more for­giv­ing pre­vi­ous Safe Word EP, while tracks like Night Shift Blues once again su­per­charge all the grime and dirt of old­school Am­phet­a­mine Repile-style riff­ing with a re­lent­less hard­core at­tack.

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Sex Mex - Cold, Not Cute

A new EP by the San An­to­nio, Texas group and as al­ways i'm hap­py to say that Sex Mex still sound very much like Sex Mex, their mix­ture of garage- and synth punk, noise- and pow­er pop trans­port­ing the aes­thet­ics of on­ly the most catchy and melod­ic ar­ti­facts out of the whole Reatard era. Re­li­able shit that doesn't try any­thing fun­ny and in­stead just de­liv­ers on the hooks!

The EP suf­fers from non-em­bed­d­a­ble band­camp dis­ease, but you can lis­ten to the whole thing over at their band­camp page.

Pork Belly - I'm Okay, You're Okay, Everything is Okay

The sec­ond EP by this San Fran­cis­co group, com­ing to us by way of the weirdo suits at the head­quar­ters of Dis­con­tin­u­ous In­no­va­tion Inc., marks a quite im­pres­sive step up in en­er­gy, so­phis­ti­ca­tion, el­e­gance and styl­is­tic va­ri­ety af­ter their al­ready per­fect­ly en­joy­able de­but cass­in­gle in 2020. In the year 2024, their quirky and chaot­ic mix of post­core, post- and art punk with just a smidge of garage punk thrown in for good mea­sure is still gonna evoke uni­ver­sal­ly fa­vor­able com­par­isons to quirky noise­mak­ers in the vein of Rolex, Pat­ti, Re­al­i­ty Group, Big Bop­per, Warm Bod­ies, Ura­ni­um Club and Brandy.

The Gobs - The Gobs

New shit by these Olympia, Wash­ing­ton Lo-Fi punks and you kin­da know what's gonna hit you: More of that de­li­cious­ly blown out and catchy-as-fuck garage-/elec­tro/­fuzz punk de­men­tia for the mod­er­ate­ly de­sen­si­tized mind, hell­bent on dam­ag­ing your speak­ers, cor­rupt­ing your soul, spilling your booze and puk­ing on your car­pet. Very neg­a­tive in­flu­ence these kids, stay away!

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Alien Nosejob - Cold Bare Facts

Jake Robertson's Alien Nose­job usu­al­ly finds some way to sub­vert our ex­pec­ta­tions and their newest 7", com­ing to us as usu­al via An­ti Fade Records, ain't no ex­cep­tion in that re­gard! The Ex­e­cu­tion­er sur­pris­es with what might eas­i­ly be the most post punk the group has ever sound­ed as cold and raw elec­tric beats get weld­ed to an equal­ly rigid con­struct of repet­i­tive gui­tar riffs, com­bin­ing in­to a slight­ly in­dus­tri­al-ish over­all vibe. West Side Sto­ry then is clos­er to the fa­mil­iar and beloved stan­dard Alien Nose­job for­mu­la, a straight­for­ward yet el­e­gant garage punk smash­er based on a sin­gle ex­quis­ite riff that could just go on for­ev­er but con­ve­nient­ly gets fad­ed out in time be­fore it can cause any last­ing (hear­ing-) dam­age.

Spewed Brain - Spewed Brain

Fol­low­ing up on their much rougher, hard­core-lean­ing In­ter­na­tion­al Heart­throb EP of last year, Indiana's Spewed Brain take their sound in­to a catch­i­er, slight­ly egg-ish di­rec­tion on their new LP while stay­ing de­light­ful­ly fucked-up and un­pre­dictable, at dif­fer­ent times re­mind­ing me of groups as di­verse as, say, Trau­ma Har­ness, Print Head, Exwhite, The Gobs, Snoop­er, Rolex, Witch Piss or Slimex.

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