My pet­ty at­tempts at writ­ing about mu­sic might've been even worse 10+ years ago than they still are in the present but at least there's lit­tle need for me be­ing too em­bar­rassed about most of the mu­sic i've picked back then. Case in point, the new LP of ital­ian group Tiger! Shit! Tiger! Tiger!, the first new mu­sic af­ter six to sev­en years of si­lence by the group that had the ques­tion­able hon­or of be­ing the sub­ject of the very first 12XU blog post ever (the ger­man lan­guage sec­tion that is, which goes back to the year 2013 rather than the eng­lish sec­tion which is less than half as old). De­spite their slow pace of out­put you can't ac­cuse them of lack­ing stay­ing pow­er, that's for sure! Their sound's pro­gres­sion over the years makes per­fect sense to me as well, their ex­cel­lent 2013 For­ev­er Young LP kin­da chan­nel­ing the by­gone late 2000s /​ ear­ly 2010s era of noise pop and fuzz punk groups á la No Age, Wavves and Male Bond­ing, which then mor­phed in­to a more re­laxed, in­die rock-lean­ing vibe with on their 2017 al­bum Cor­ners. With this new one, they fi­nal­ly set­tle in­to some ul­tra-clas­sic shoegaze ter­ri­to­ry with just a hint of post grunge added to the mix, Bail­ter­space and Swervedriv­er be­ing the the best com­par­i­son i can come up with. Here they slow things down even fur­ther with­out ever com­ing across as sleepy or bor­ing - it takes a rare amount of elab­o­rate con­struc­tion work and song-craft­ing prowess to pull this shit off suc­cess­ful­ly and these ital­ians de­liv­er on it in droves, more than any oth­er group has done in re­cent years as it's been a rather sad decade for the genre so far if you ask me, in which most of these groups cer­tain­ly have all their ef­fect ped­als in place while lack­ing the songs, en­er­gy and vi­sion to do any­thing for me oth­er than gen­tly lulling me to sleep. This one, it sounds kin­da old­school while ab­solute­ly not Slow­dive-ish and that's like a breath of fresh air to me in these days.