Ultra Lights - Nostalgia

Nos­tal­gia /​ Clock­ing Out 7" re­leas­es May 10th via Chun­klet In­dus­tries.

Program - Sparks

It's A Sign re­leas­es June 7th via An­ti Fade Records.

Radar - Doesn't Matter

Radar re­leas­es May 17th via Dead Broke Rek­erds.

Candy Apple - Heaven's Gate

Co­matose re­leas­es May 17th via Con­vulse Records.

Bermuda Squares - Car Accident

Out­sider re­leas­es May 17th via Feel It Records.

Woodstock '99 - '99 Ta Life

This Cleve­land, Ohio group, named af­ter the in­fa­mous scum­bag nu met­al bros' very own sum­mer of love, has al­ways been kind of an, ahem… ac­quired taste, though al­ways a ton of fun as well, at least as long as they don't in­dulge too much in their weed, their Fred Durst, their oc­ca­sion­al ston­er rock flour­ish­es… and al­so, as it ap­pears now, their let­ting A.I. mak­ing crap­py mu­sic for them, a brand new vice in their ar­se­nal. That said, this pass­es eas­i­ly as their strongest re­lease to date and is noth­ing short of a must-have for any af­fic­i­na­do of in­ven­tive, un­pre­dictable and garage-fla­vored hard­core punk right up there with the likes of, say, Ce­ment Shoes, Cü­lo, Chain Whip, Head­cheese, Flea Col­lar… just to tick off a few of the most ob­vi­ous and thor­ough­ly flat­ter­ing ref­er­ences.

Al­bum-Stream →

Dog Date - Zinger

This New York group is kind of a cu­ri­ous, zeit­geist-de­fy­ing beast in this day and age, wear­ing their fond­ness of late eight­ies to ear­ly nineties punk, grunge and in­die rock on their sleeves with the open­ing track even be­ing ti­tled Nir­vana, al­though i'd rather liken them to ear­ly Mud­honey and the noisy, ear­ly in­car­na­tion of The Pix­ies, maybe a hint of U-Men, Scratch Acid and Dri­ve Like Je­hu aswell. So ba­si­cal­ly, they're the kind of group that would've got­ten var­i­ous Pitch­fork writ­ers wet a decade-and-a-half ago, when the height of the first '90s nos­tal­gia wave hit. These days though, they're kind of an ob­scure odd­i­ty and that makes this record all the more en­dear­ing to me.

Al­bum-Stream →

Glueman - Glueman II /​/​ Chum Lord - Pounds, Pills, Paranoia

On their sec­ond cas­sette, Glue­man of Den­ver, Col­orado don't get any fun­ny ideas, keep­ing things sim­ple, stu­pid and fun at all times. Fair­ly old­school garage punk good­ness with some added '77 and KBD-vibes that is, re­li­able and time-test­ed shit which in the cur­rent land­scape you might com­pare to groups such as Buck Biloxi, Sick Thoughts, The Dirts oder Bart and the Brats. In some­what sim­i­lar ter­riroty you might al­so lo­cate Kent, Ohio group Chum Lord, go­ing all-in on an ul­tra-old­school garage vibe and stay­ing clear of any in­gre­di­ents that haven't al­ready been around 40 years ago, ham­mered home with an in­fal­li­ble gift for no-frills straight-in-your-face, su­per ef­fec­tive lit­tle tunes that hit the right spot every sin­gle time. Yup, i'm sold.

Al­bum-Stream →