This New York group is kind of a cu­ri­ous, zeit­geist-de­fy­ing beast in this day and age, wear­ing their fond­ness of late eight­ies to ear­ly nineties punk, grunge and in­die rock on their sleeves with the open­ing track even be­ing ti­tled Nir­vana, al­though i'd rather liken them to ear­ly Mud­honey and the noisy, ear­ly in­car­na­tion of The Pix­ies, maybe a hint of U-Men, Scratch Acid and Dri­ve Like Je­hu aswell. So ba­si­cal­ly, they're the kind of group that would've got­ten var­i­ous Pitch­fork writ­ers wet a decade-and-a-half ago, when the height of the first '90s nos­tal­gia wave hit. These days though, they're kind of an ob­scure odd­i­ty and that makes this record all the more en­dear­ing to me.